Attacks to 'her' health: use yogurt!

Almost every woman clean "her" everyday with SOAP or toilet cleaning woman, but this cannot be good for your vagina. Please read and understand the information below to vaginal care properly and help "her baby" more healthy!

Keep clean the vagina properly

-Just wash with clean water: It may seem strange compared to the habit of using SOAP or toilet cleaners that you are maintained but it is something that you should totally do. Because the vagina is likely "self clean" on his own without any other help of rust on the outside. Just like the other parts of the body, the vagina has a Ph from 3.5 to 4.5, and the pH should be maintained to prevent the growth of bad bacteria at the same time facilitate the beneficial bacteria thrive. Your use of detergents can disrupt the balance of the vaginal environment lead to infection, irritation, unpleasant smell even for "little girl".

Instead of using a solution of women's hygiene, you need only use clean water for sanitary "closed zone"

If you feel the need to use the solution (in the days of "red lights) Please make sure that you have" real girl "washed clean and off the SOAP. The simplest way to clean them is to use warm water to rinse the "little girl"!

-Do not do anything to create a fragrance for "little girl": Many people believe that DOUCHING the vagina with toilet fluids or spray can deodorants and scented vagina help tho, clean but that's completely wrong. Because when the douche, toilet solution will accidentally remove all the useful bacteria help the vagina healthy and prevent infection.

Nourishing scented creams are ads can change the smell of your vagina, tampons or towels scented are no good for "little girl". Therefore, you do not need to try to change the smell of "little girl" by the many products of this scent.

Simple and safe way to change the smell of "little girl" is her own perfumes made by mixing a few drops of rose essential oil, lavender or lemon with water and then give in to the spray and use after a bath. Note, you need to dry the body after bath and before dressing.

-Keep clean "girl" in the days of "red lights": Quite a lot of women with vaginal infection rate rising in the menstrual cycle because blood in the vagina can alter the pH of "little girl". Replace cassette toilet after about 4 to 6 hours, depending on the level of your menstruation more or less.

You can use the menstrual cup if allergic tampons

You can also use menstrual cups if you suffer from irritation and discomfort with tampons. This is the kind of special rubber cups are put into the vagina to menstrual mood, then a few hours could wash with hot water. Menstrual cup is an innovative choice but quite effective and easy to use.

-Wipe from front to back: You need to clean the "little girl" from front to back, rather than vice versa, to avoid having the bacteria from the anus can penetrate into the vagina and cause infection. You can use clean towels, unscented toilet paper to wipe the "little girl". Avoid using wet wipes or any product containing perfumes and chemicals to clean as they will harm "her baby".

You should wipe from front to back to avoid infections from anus up "closed zone"

Maintain healthy life habits

-Underwear cotton material: Sweat absorbent cotton material and quite cool. Thus, my sister should choose "chip" pants with this material to minimize moisture-good environment cause yeast and bad bacteria types develop that lead to inflammation, "the secret" of the sisters.

Should select the chip from the material cotton pants to dry little girl is ventilated, clean

If you like wearing underwear with the other material such as synthetic fabrics, silk or lace ... make sure that the lingerie touching your vagina has been lined cotton material.

-Spacious dressing: The type of tight outfits like leather pants, skinny pants ... can help you respect the contour but not airy leads to "closed zone" are usually wet and prone to infection. You should choose the outfit has spacious designs, gentle material such as skirts, shorts such designs to an in this hot summer days!

-Change clothes after exercise: You should not wear wet clothes or bathing sũng sweat after a workout in a few hours because it will make your girl prone to yeast infections. You should wash and clean-lined dressing as soon as possible after the mobilization.

If you decide to clean up "micro-hairs" around the area surrounding the vagina, be careful when using the razor. You can use more shaving cream (but absolutely not should to stick to cream on the inside of your vagina) and scrape gently around sensitive areas to reduce sense of burning pain.

You can also use waxing hair removal to "closed zone", with this, you need to research and choose a reputable salon or hair removal products for quality assurance for effective hair removal. You should be cautious with this method because it rather unhygienic and can cause the spread of disease-causing bacteria.

-Clean hygiene after sex: After the "bruised", your vagina is wide open and vulnerable to the harmful bacteria that cause Gynecologic inflammation attack. Therefore you need to establish the habit of washing "the sealed" with warm water after sex. This will help you minimize the chance of infection.

You should also ask your partner for hygiene and cleanliness before sexual relations, especially when you are not using condoms.

Need to use more floss and gloves as a form of additional protection if you choose oral sex or infiltrated "her baby" with your finger.

-Urinating after sex: You should still urinate after sex even when you have the "little girl" toilet clean. Because when you have sex, harmful bacteria can "penetrate" into the urethra, which causes inflammation of the urethra in both influence even to your bladder. Thus, urinating after sex can help eliminate the bacteria out of the vaginal area, enhance general health and help you avoid infection in particular.

-Take the condom use: the pH of semen is basically also the pH of the vagina is acidic again. After sexual intercourse, the sperm also abandoned in the vagina will make overturning the balance of "little girl" makes it susceptible to bacterial penetration. The simplest way to minimize this situation is to use a condom. If you are allergic or don't like to use condoms, go potty "closed areas" clean right after intercourse to reduce the risk.

Healthy eating

-Eat more yogurt: yogurt In also has the "good" bacteria needed for your vagina. Therefore, you should eat yogurt every day to replenish beneficial bacteria to the body. This is a simple and effective way to prevent and treat yeast infections for the sisters.

In addition to yogurt, you also can add beneficial bacteria by other fermented foods such as pickling, kombucha tea mushroom, ...

Eating yogurt is very good for "little girl"

-Eat more fruit: You should eat plenty of cranberries, pineapple, strawberries, to change the smell of "little girl". Not eat any fruits as "girl" will have the smell of the fruit, but it can help to "closed zone" has a more pleasant scent. The fruit also contains high water content should help the body detoxification and more healthy.

Health-eat garlic: Garlic has properties that kill yeast, so can my sister should take eat garlic to prevent and support treatment for vaginal yeast infections. You can eat garlic raw or cooked with other foods several times a week to keep the vagina healthy.

A good exercise for the episode "little girl"

-Kegel exercises: this is muscle strengthening exercises for the pelvic floor and the coccyx. These muscles tend to be wider and weaker when age increase or after child birthsister. The Kegel exercises can help the sister avoid problems such as unstable and increase sexual pleasure .

Kegel exercises are very good for sister's vagina

To do kegal exercises, follow the following steps:

+ Locate the pelvic muscles: can you identify the muscles of the pelvis easier while urinating, the practice would like you to stop the stream of urine middle (but not self contained two thighs into each other).

+ Pelvic muscles tighten and hold for 3 seconds, then relax. Repeat this exercise 15 times.

+ Keep Kegel exercises daily, try to hold for longer than 3 seconds and repeat several times added to the increasingly strong.

-Sex is also good for vaginal exercises: you may not believe but the vagina will much more toned and healthier when it enhances sexual performance and reach orgasm. Have sex regularly help tighten the vagina and increases elasticity so the sisters or hard workout this special!

What to do when suffering inflammation "the secret"

-Proactive buy drugs: most women would also suffer from yeast infection at least once in a lifetime and you can completely buy antifungal creams or pills forms placed in the vagina in addition to pharmacies for use. The methods this treatment will last 3.5 or 7 days, depending on the severity of your infection. Most of the drug treatment of fungal infection also comes with anti itching can used to reduce itching and irritation around the area.

The symptoms of a yeast infection include: gas damaged much, milk or yellow color, smell, itching and burning in the vaginal area, rash, redness around the vulva. If your symptoms are not clear, you should go to the doctor to be checked again.

If the above symptoms do not decline and disappear after one to two weeks even after treatment, you should come to the clinic to be treating doctor.

You can also eat double the amount of yogurt or other fermented foods to increase the amount of "good" bacteria in the body.

-* When the disease worsens: inflammation of the vagina may appear due to vaginal yeast infection, bacterial infection, parasites and other causes. Millions of eggs of vaginitis is vaginal fishy smell, itching and rashes around the vulva. You can buy the topical medications to pharmacies outside against this unpleasant symptoms but you should go to the doctor to find the cause and get a prescription fits your disease.

-Regularly check for sexually transmitted diseases: sexually transmitted diseases sexually transmitted viruses such as HPV, chlamydia, genital warts ... can leave serious consequences if not treated early. If you have sex unprotected and feel I have sexually transmitted disease then need to visit, to do the necessary tests at the hospital obstetrics to early detection and treatment.

-Detection of abnormal signs in the "closed zone" to timely consultations: many people not to mention the vagina should not be able to feel the change in this sensitive area, however, it is extremely dangerous. The most important thing to protect the vagina is sensitive to the change of it and thanks the doctor for early intervention when needed. If "the secret" changed in color, appearance items, vaginal smell, burning pain during urination discomfort or pain during sex ... you need to visit the doctor soon to be treated properly.=



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