Bad breath disappears immediately thanks to simple, natural ingredients at home

Bad breath seriously affects the social interaction of people, many people cannot be cured, so they have a tendency to be afraid of stress and even affect mental health.

According to health experts, in fact, bad breath is not hard to cure, choosing the right treatment is the "key" to eliminate the disease in the most appropriate way.

Bad breath with salt water

Folk or use salt mixed with water to form a mixture to prevent sore throat, tooth decay, neck irritation . Not only diluted saline is also an effective treatment for bad breath.

You only need to bring pure salt to mix with water, soak salt water to cure bad breath regularly 2-3 times a day, every 30 seconds. This is a safe solution and support dental care, but you need to be persistent to see the obvious effect.

In addition, you can use a salt and alcohol mixture to treat bad breath at home. Because alcohol has a high antiseptic effect when combined with table salt, it is a great way to treat bad breath. A small note when choosing alcohol is that you should use mild alcohol from 50-70 degrees to ensure oral safety. You use a small amount of alcohol to put on a towel and gently wipe the root area, between teeth. Then brush your teeth and rinse your mouth with diluted saline.

Bad breath with lemon

Lemon contains organic acid ingredients and vitamin C is effective in quickly disinfecting the oral cavity. You need to prepare a lemon, wash and scrub the skin. You peel the lemon peel very thinly and divide the chewing part very carefully. With lemon juice, mix with a little salt, brush your teeth and face every day at least twice to get the most effect. Persistently carried out for 2 weeks, the odor will be significantly improved.

Bad breath with honey

Pure honey is considered a valuable beauty material that nature gives. Not only that in honey also has high antibacterial properties, when combined with some other natural ingredients, honey will help treat unpleasant mouth odor.

Secret of bad breath with natural ingredients at home- Honey combined with cinnamon: You use about 20g of cinnamon powder mixed with 2 tablespoons of honey. Rinse mouth 2-3 times a day with this mixture to improve smelly breath.

- Honey combined with lemon juice: The simplest way, you mix about 2 tablespoons lemon juice + 1 tablespoon honey and 50ml water. Wake up every morning and rinse your mouth thoroughly for 30 seconds. With this method, not only bad breath but even oral diseases have no conditions to develop.

Eat apples often

Some foods are the cause of bad breath, so one of the easiest remedies is to limit their intake. Avoid high acidic foods or high fructose levels because both of these encourage bacterial production.

For a quick and easy snack that helps limit bad breath, eat an apple or a cup of yogurt. Apples are high in fiber and peterin heteropolysaccharide, stimulating the production of saliva, or yogurt will reduce bacteria in the mouth.

Bad breath with guava leaves

Wash the guava leaves thoroughly, soak them in salt water for about 10 minutes and then remove and drain. Then add 500ml of filtered water and guava leaves to the pot, place on the boil for about 15 minutes and add a spoonful of salt to cool.

As a final step, you use the sieve to remove the pulp, you will get the juice, put it in the jar and cover it tightly. For long use, stabilize the juice in the cool compartment. Use a little to rinse your mouth every morning and night before bed. Within 3 weeks, you will see the difference.


- Always clean and clean your mouth, not to skip this stage in any one day. This will be a way to clean up the bacteria in your oral cavity.

- Limit the intake of non-fat foods - sweet - oily and greasy mucus

- Should eat a lot of easily digestible food, go outside at least once a day to push all waste out.

- Tongue can be the breeding ground for bacteria that smell in the mouth and are often ignored when brushing. After brushing your teeth, use a toothbrush to brush your tongue. Or use specialized tongue brush products to help eliminate odor-causing agents.

- Poor digestive system also leads to bad breath due to gastritis, constipation or colitis.

- If you feel bitter, it is likely that the sign of excessive bilirubin levels and liver disease problems.

- If the breath smells like metal, the body is stagnant with uric acid, a suspicious sign of kidney disease.

- If the breath has a rotten odor, it is a sign of infection.

- Sweet breath signals an increase in blood glucose, common in diabetic patients.



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