Combine eggplant, helps detoxify cancer prevention ...

Eggplant is a very popular food in Vietnam. Eggplant is not only eye catching colors but also very nutritious.

A cup of Eggplant contains about 20 calories, 8 g protein, 0, 4, 0 carbohydrates, generally, 15 g of fat and 2, 5 g fiber. A comparable servings can meet 10% of daily fiber needs, 5% 3% potassium, vitamin C, 5% vitamin B-6, 1% iron and 2% magnesium.

Eggplant also contains anthocyanins-compounds in flavonoids. Flavonoids contained in many foods of plant and in addition to the health benefits, it also has the effect of distinguishing the colors of many fruits and vegetables. Anthocyanins are water-soluble pigments makes Eggplant such special colors.

Combine eggplant, helps detoxify ... prevent cancer.

The outer crust of the Eggplant is rich in fiber, potassium and magnesium and antioxidant. In fact, there are eggplant in phenolic help Eggplant is ranked as one of 10 top vegetables ability to absorb oxygen free radicals.

Many studies have shown, the increased consumption of plant foods such as Eggplant reduces the risk of obesity and mortality in General, diabetes, heart disease and promote healthy hair and skin, increased energy and lower overall weight.

Stick heat detoxify

Eggplant sautéed with code cooling effect, detoxification, diuretic, lowering of blood pressure: 200 g 15 g theme code, eggplant, onions, ginger garlic, 5 g 10 g 10, sesame oil, soy sauce (soy sauce) in an appropriate amount.

Coffee maker wash, slice, clean theme code; onions, sliced ginger; remove the garlic, peel cut dry. To the hot pan pour oil into hot oil, pending action on African ginger, aromatic removal; then remove the coffee maker, subject code to mix well, remove the salt and a little water into the FRY is cooked.

Eggplant helps lower blood pressure

Chicken soup, Eggplant has the effect of goal tan stasis, reduce fat, lower blood pressure: a smoked sausage, Eggplant Chicken 200 g, 15 g, Hawthorn 5 g ginger, onions 10 g, oils, appropriate amounts of salt. Chicken clean, remove the internal organs; Eggplant wash, slice, sliced ginger; cut onions.

The hot pot to pour into oil, ginger, onions and chicken stir-fry removal aromatic the profile. Next, pour the water into the tomato, remove, paint, salt, boiling cooking with fire, then screw the small fire cook 30 minutes more. Each day eat once, used instead of food.


Polyphenols in Eggplant was found to have cancer-fighting ability.

Polyphenols in Eggplant was found to have cancer-fighting ability. Anthocyanins and chlorogenic acid has the same effect as antioxidant and anti-inflammatory compounds.

They protect body cells from being damaged by free radicals and prevent the growth of tumors and the spread of cancer cells. They also stimulate the detoxification enzymes in cells and cause cell death in cancer cells.=



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