Consultations through the urine color

If the urine suddenly changes to a dark yellow or any other color, even being opaque and weird smells can be signs of abnormal health.

The urine is derived from the amount of excess water and waste these are the kidneys filter from inside the body and then disposed of. Natural pale yellow urine is due to the excretion of a substance in the blood called colored urochrome. So, depending on the amount of water you drank that urine from yellow to pale the truth (almost white, when the body has enough water) until the orange or dark yellow (when the body is lack of water).

There will be temporary at the urine changes color due to the type of artificial coloring products in the food you eat into or due to a drug you are taking. The case of urine color changes do not normally rest, even where there is blood in the urine is a sign of the health dangers that you need to go to the doctor to check now.

-Colorless, transparent: you drink too much water, should reduce the amount of drinking water if the urine because it bothers too many times.

Pale straw-colored: the body completely normal, healthy and provided adequate water.

-Yellow throughout: normal

-Dark Yellow: normal, to note the addition of water.

-Amber color: not enough body of water. Additional water should immediately

-Xiro or brown beer: the lost body water or have liver disease. Drink plenty of water and a visit to a physician if the condition lasts.

-Pink or red: Eating Red vegetables such as beets, spinach, quấ seem to rhubarb. ...

-Have blood in urine: the kidney had "issues", tumors, infections of the urinary tract, prostate disease, lead poisoning, or mercury. Immediately take the examination to find out the cause.

-Orange: not enough drinking water or eating fish food colorings; diseases of the liver and bile duct. Need to consult a doctor.

-Green or blue: you can see rare genetic disease, inflammation of the urinary tract caused by bacteria, eating food, the effects of smoking. Symptoms but not deadly but you should see a doctor if the condition lasts.

-Effervescent urine: You don't need to worry if this situation rarely occurs. On the contrary, should visit to a physician because these cards are signs of kidney disease or excess dietary protein.

-The external agents: several types of laxatives, chemotherapy drug ... will make the urine darker than normal.

-"Invisible" world of urine: urine Color provides more information about the condition of the body but there are many other serious signs such as blood or urine sugar ... cannot be observed. Thus, the regular health checks including urine tests should be thoroughly to have accurate information and reliable.=



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