Cure back pain with 'miracle' polyscias fruticosa tree

Back pain can occur due to a number of causes such as: sleeping, working posture not right cause skeletal muscle, pinched due to weather changes, due to pregnancy , age ... In a few cases of back pain are the expression of dangerous diseases such as hernia, osteoarthritis.

Back pain if not treated can finish will cause muscle atrophy, atrophy, or even maimed. Here are some folk medicine back pain treatment extremely effective.

Polyscias fruticosa plants have the effect effective back pain treatment.

Tree polyscias fruticosa, also known with the familiar name is mud fish, because or is used as a vegetable up with fish. The scientific name is Polycias fructicosa, in ginseng (Araliaceae). The tree has many different categories in the shape and size of the leaves, have rounded leaves, polyscias fruticosa leaves pinnately compound, 1-3 times. Small trees, about 1-2 m high. Smooth stems and little branching. Compound leaves are alternate, Steelhead, serrated edge, pointed Spire. The inflorescence is several thumbs sprouting at the tops. The flowers are small, white and grey. Both used the stems, leaves and roots.

Polyscias fruticosa tree roots

In traditional medicine polyscias fruticosa are such "Ginseng" because it has great healing effects used to blood tonic. Polyscias fruticosa tree roots that have been scientifically proven to contain up to 13 different amino acid types such as: lyzin, xytein, vitamin B1 ... In addition it is also rather than some other beneficial substances such as saponins, trerpe alcalot. Used from 20-30 g cheap drink decoction daily polyscias fruticosa to treat back pain.

Branch polyscias fruticosa

Use the branch 20-30 g, polyscias fruticosa take water divide 3 times in the day. Can coordinate all roots of shame, chrysanthemum and licorice strings of the Qin.=



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