Daily habits that cause heart failure that you do not know

The human heart is considered the most powerful medium agencies have the weakest in the human body. It is the strongest because it made the most important function is to provide oxygen for the blood of all the agencies to make sure the agencies running smoothly. On the other hand, it is the weakest because it can withstand the pressure of a limited permit, if the pressure increase could lead to a lot of health problems and disease.

Sitting several hours continuously

Daily habits that cause heart failure that you do not know.

Sitting several hours continuously increases the risk of heart attack and stroke. Dr. Harmony r. Reynolds, Deputy Director of the Center for clinical research in cardiology Langone Medical Center, New York, United States of America said, sit much, lack of mobility may affect the concentration of fat and sugar in the blood. Dr. Reynolds advised to protect heart health, while working, occasionally standing up and walking around a few laps.

Sleep disorders

Often slept too much (more than 8 hours/night) or too little (less than 6 hours a night) are also damaging to your heart. Both upper case called sleep disorder can increase blood pressure and increase the amount of hormones that cause stress. Insomnia, lack of sleep can lead to depression and anxiety, which causes high blood pressure. In addition, a study of sleep done at the University of Chicago, in 2008, shows that there is a relationship between short sleep and ability to increase coronary artery calcification (calcium buildup in the coronary arteries).

Uncontrolled depression

You're feeling stressed, frustrated and depressed? This may have adverse impact on the heart by many studies have proven the person stress or very susceptible to heart disease. Let's quickly handle the emotions to protect heart health. Research shows that laughter and the social interaction that help a lot in the restraint stress, Dr. Reynolds said.

Eating too much

Overweight is the main risk factors that cause heart disease.

Overweight is the main risk factors that cause heart disease. The fact there are 72% of men and 64% of females in the us are overweight or obese. Try to eat less and replace sugary drinks with water filter to avoid weight gain. The experts recommended to weight loss, high carbohydrates quantities in cutting need menus every day and choose the foods that contain less fat.

Eat lots of red meat

Sometimes eating healthy red meat, but eating frequently will cause harm to the heart. Red meat contains saturated fats, and there was also evidence that processed meat, such as Bacon and sausage, increase the risk of cardiovascular disease and cancer of the rectum.

Smoke or live with smokers

"Smoking is considered a disaster for the heart," Dr. Ostfeld said. Smoking increases the risk of blood clumping, giving the blood cannot flow to the heart and contributing causes plaque buildup in the arteries. In addition, those who live in smoke-free environments are also affected. Fact had 46000 people passive smoking deaths due to heart disease each year.

Don't eat fruits and vegetables

According to Dr. Ostfeld, healthy nutrition for the heart is eating a plant. That means strengthening the addition of fruits and vegetables, nuts, whole grains, low fat dairy and protein to ensure effective functioning heart. Research shows that people who eat lots of fruits and vegetables every day can limit the risk of heart disease and strokes strike down to 20% compared with those who ate little or rarely eat.

Eat salty

Salt raises blood pressure, and one in three adult Americans suffer from high blood pressure, a major risk factor for stroke, kidney failure and heart attack. Stay away from junk food packaging, carefully read ingredients on food labels is a smart way to avoid cardiovascular risk.

Often angry

 Anger can often increase the risk of heart disease.

Although expressing the anger is good way to release stress and mental pressures but anger can often increase the risk of heart disease. Human negative emotions cause stress in the body and if the stress response occurs multiple times it will become harmful to the heart, increase the risk of heart failure, easily lead to stroke or heart disease.=



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