Dance-good sport for health

Dancing is good for the mind

When the memory collection and new dance steps, we have inadvertently work out and improve memory for the brain. A study published in the New England Journal of medicine confirmed the dance can reduce the risk of Alzheimer's disease and other forms of dementia when we grow old.

While reading help reduce 35% the risk of dementia, crossword game for at least 4 days a week to help reduce the 47% then dance often help reduce to 76% of this risk.

Dancing helps strong bones

The dance includes the weight, so it helps maintain bone density, prevent osteoporosis, one of the things do worry when women entered menopause. Dance rough wetting the joints and help prevent arthritis.

Keep the shape for the body

The move will complicate firming leg muscles in the abdomen, hips, thighs and buttocks. The combination of body and coordinate with your jump will help the body easier to keep balance, increase flexibility as well as flexibility. This helps us less prone to injury in daily activities.

Increase toughness

Toughness is a key part to evaluate the healthy. Dance requires a lot of flexibility. Most dance classes start with a few exercises to stretch the muscles. People who dance to try to achieve the full array of movements. The range of movements as much, the muscles more supple. Most forms of dance require dancers to demonstrate the migration steps include previews of Pilates and muscle tension. So the natural dance over toughness.

Long and healthy children

The dance is very beneficial in keeping women's youth because it slows the aging process. Dancing helps a healthy cardiovascular system and increase lung fluids. You know, heart muscle strength of the dancers at dance equivalent of those biking, swimming and running the 800 meters in an Olympic competition levels.

In addition, continuous dance in 30-40 minutes, three or four times a week can lower cholesterol and blood pressure. It is the great sport for people with diabetes because help control blood sugar.

For a healthy heart

Based on the speed and jumping ability, dancing helps increase heart rate 80-120 beats per minute. If you can jump repeatedly within 20 minutes, you can enhance health and "maintenance" to heart.

Good for your joints

According to the journal of American medicine, the best way to prevent arthritis or pain in the joints is regular exercise. The continuous movement of the dances will distribute lubricant to the tissues and joints. You don't need to join in the lively rhythms, what what slowly, steadily but often also very good for health.

Weight loss

While dancing, the body will burn colorie should help us lose weight effectively. According to estimates, dance to burn about 5-10 calorie per minute, depending on the speed and intensity of the campaigning. For example, if you weigh 45 kg, a one-hour dance salsa will help you burn calorie 264.

Here are a few interesting suggestion for those who are looking to get in shape, to maintain shape, lose weight and keep the fire of love, especially for women was "getting old look see" want to preserve his youth.=



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