Dangerous habits for 'little girl'

1. self douche when not specified by the physician

Many women wonder, wonder why the hygiene sealed very carefully, using the right kind of suitable hygiene solution that still inflamed. This is because many women have housekeeping department sealed by deep vaginal DOUCHING. Doing this causes the physiological system imbalance, training conditions for the bacteria proliferate to cause inflammation.

2. Use tampons continuously daily

The habit of taking a daily hygiene tape comes from thinking used as help to changing the chip. But my sister doesn't know that users like will create favorable conditions for the development of bacteria in sealed by using tampons, the comments will not be dry ventilated rooms, are ideal conditions for bacteria that bad bacteria resided.

3. Do not change tampons when sleeping

You can replace the tampons, the/6 times, although the doctors Gynecology recommends you should change tampons every four hours. Bacteria grow very fast even in a small blood sample and within 8 hours, the bacteria in the sanitary will produce increased to dangerous levels, causing smell, itchy and can lead to severe infection.

4. Regularly use contraceptives

Estrogen in oral contraceptives have the effect of stimulating the formation of fungus, bacteria and gradually penetrate into the cells of the vagina, so very easy to cause inflammation of the vagina.

5. too tight jeans

Tight jeans will keep the sweat and no ventilation, help for bacteria reproduction. Besides, wearing pants too easily bunch cause pelvic congestion, the environment around the "little girl" sealed makes easy to fungi and bacteria proliferate, increasing the frequency of the disease of the sisters sealed up twice.

So you should wear the pants too tight, no type to "she" can "breathe" and avoid the diseases related to the region.

6. minor Concessions

Some sisters or are too busy or because of any reason that can not stop 5 minutes to go to the bathroom. Although minor concessions to not break the bladder but can increase the risk of urinary tract infections. Ignore the urge to pass urine only makes the bacteria more time to grow, and this can lead to urinary tract infections and "closed zone".

7. Dry using air dry

With many families, the washing machine is a familiar item, replace human labour power. But few people know that washing machines are "treasures" contained bacteria that could be harmful to health, particularly increases the risk of yeast infection itching in the vagina.

Moreover, will the more dangerous than if several people have the habit of soaking the underwear or "hoarding" the underwear in the washing machine a few days before launch. As such, the bacteria, mold the more favorable opportunities to develop raging. A study in medical Fundan University (USA) has shown, the cage washer contains 60.2% of bacteria harmful to the "closed zone" of women.

8. Use public toilets

According to statistics, the underlying public toilets so much bacteria harmful to humans and among them 95% of the bacteria to the "perpetrators" caused diseases to spread sexually.

Thus, often using public toilet especially public toilet will make you very easy to become "victims" of the gynaecological disease. My advice for you is that should limit use of public toilets or if yes then should seek not to sit directly down the toilet hygiene.

9. long wet dressing

After the exercise is completed, you don't shower, don't change clothes and then you leave it in wet clothes. Sounded relaxed but this habit is not good for health. The more you wear wet underwear and clothing as long as susceptible to infection, according to Dr. Rabin. The sweat and salt can clog pores, cause infection of the V.

10. Lazy to go periodically obstetric

The lazy can not say is not dangerous. Most of you girls are all that "she" has the problem then will "call for ambulance" or will there be other manifestations are often right, need to take the examination. But the reality is not so simple. To your "little girl" safe and healthy "," good for you should go periodically obstetric from 4-6 months/times.=



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