Deadly women used toilet paper when urinating

In the lives of most women can't use toilet paper. Comments for that toilet paper is the main cause of the disease in women. Because toilet paper that we are using daily server to love is to be recycled, they contain a lot of bacteria.

Women should or should not take paper when urinating?

If after passing urine which we do not promptly dry will moisten and facilitate reproduction for the bacteria to grow. The reproduction and fast development of the bacteria will easily cause acute urinary tract infection. There are also external vaginal inflammation can and many other diseases.

If not using the hygienic paper, then the answer is: do not use paper. By the use of the sanitary paper after passing urine will increase the risk of gynaecological diseases.

The vagina is the Agency can contact with outside, unable to defend it in the environment in which absolutely no bacteria. However, the vagina has the ability to protect themselves from the bacteria. In the normal vaginal environment, not inflammatory, still had fungi and countless resident bacteria, creating a useful bacteria Lactobacilus Doderlein occupied a very large proportion.

According to the doctor's health care center of reproduction inflammatory gynecological diseases, tend to rise due to the habit of using paper wipe. Use paper to wipe out anus from behind after going potty accidentally put bacteria, contaminated waste from the anus up the vulva, the vagina causing infection.

Lactic acid by Lactobacillus Doderlein born maintain vaginal physiological pH 3.5-4.5 making bacteria could not survive in the environment of this acid. Because of that, the bacteria that we inadvertently create when using toilet paper nor great harm for the environment inside the vagina.

Because the urethra of women is often short and straight than males, perineal also thick and many more folds. Thus, bacteria can easily invade here, which can lead to inflammation of the urethra and the bladder.

According to international statistics, the age from 20 to 50, then the ability of female urethra inflammation higher than men 50 times. Statistics of the medical organization said, about 50-60% of women suffer from inflammation of the urinary tract and sexual organs are enclosed by the toilet not clean.

The toilet paper is recycled the poor quality leads to inflammation.

Measures taken to best weather data line anti-inflammatory that is holding the sealed always in a State of cleanliness. After passing urine which we do not promptly dry will moisten and facilitate reproduction for the bacteria to grow. The reproduction and fast development of the bacteria will easily cause acute urinary tract infection.

In addition, if not wipe clean the outside of the vagina, in addition to leading to inflammation of the urinary tract, while the sex chromosomes can inflammation outside the vagina and a variety of other diseases. Clean the closed region after urination is a habit of totally accurate, the problem is that we have to choose the type of hygienic paper.

If using toilet paper quality with less bacteria, vagina can self clean. In contrast, with the toilet paper is recycled, the poor quality and many bacteria are complex, making the vagina more cleaning difficulty leading to inflammation.=



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