Discover the amazing health benefits from carrot

1. Eye Care

Carrots are very good for the eye thanks to the presence of copious amounts of beta carotene is converted to vitamin A in the liver. This vitamin is converted into Rhodopsin in the retina-purple pigment needed for night vision. Beta carotene improve night vision and protection against eye diseases such as glaucoma, macular degeneration and cataracts due to old age. It is also useful in disease quáng chicken. A study has demonstrated that consumption of beta carotene reduces by 40% the risk of macular degeneration.

2. Slow the aging process

Carrots are considered anti-aging food because the carrots are rich in beta carotene, an antioxidant that helps slow the aging process. Carrots are not only the effects anti aging on the body but also on your brain. Eating carrots every day to keep your body fresh for long time.

3. cardiovascular benefits

Carrots contain more antioxidants and polyacetylenes, 2 substances together give tim a "shield" to protect. Studies have shown that consumption of foods rich in carotenoids reduce the risk of heart disease. Besides, carrots are rich in beta carotene, alpha-carotene and lutein. Regularly eating carrots will protect your heart from being compromised by the oxidants, the formation of plaque and bad cholesterol is high. This is thanks to them that contains soluble fiber binding with bile acids.

4. Prevent Cancer

Studies have shown that eating carrots can reduce the risk of lung cancer, breast cancer and colon cancer. This is because carrots are rich in antioxidants such as poly-acetylene, falcarinol is capable of fighting against cancer by destroying precancerous cells in the tumor. In this way, the carrot has anti-cancer properties, inhibits the growth of cancer cells in the colon and support the health of the lower digestive tract.

5. Strengthen immune system

Carrots contain many nutrients and antioxidants, along with vitamin C to help boost your immune system. Regularly eating carrots make a protective shield for our body is very good.

6. oral favor

Carrots are good for your teeth and your mouth, they help scrape plaque removal and feed on the teeth as a toothbrush "assassins". Carrot stimulates gums and create favorable conditions for the formation of foam water-alkaline in nature helps balance and acid formation bacteria in the oral cavity. The minerals contained in carrot kill harmful bacteria in the mouth and prevent tooth decay.

7. cleaning the body

As said above, carrots contain abundant amounts of vitamin A, which helps support the liver removing toxins from the body. It reduces the accumulation of fat in the liver and bile. On the other hand, the soluble fiber also helps cleanse the colon by creating conditions to eliminate waste.

8. Prevent Aging

High levels of beta carotene in carrots that acts as an antioxidant to prevent and push back the hurt from the cell through regular metabolism. Therefore, it helps slow down the aging of cells.

9. Benefit during menstruation and period after menopause

Carrot juice is very beneficial for women. This is because the phytoestrogen in carrots help reduce menstrual cramps and bleeding regularizes menstrual period. It is also beneficial for women after menopause because it make it easier to get rid of evidence of hot, nasty and stabilizing the other menopausal symptoms.

10. Useful when pregnant

Carrots are especially useful in pregnancy prevention, support in the development of the fetus and reduce the risk of fetal infection and miscarriage. Regularly eating carrots will help promote the production of breast milk and to improve the quality of breast milk.

11. To prevent stroke

According to a study conducted at Harvard University, who consume more than six carrot a week are less likely to suffer a stroke than those who ate a carrot a month or eat less carrot and more.

12. Source of calcium

The fact very few of us are aware that carrot contains calcium, this substance is very important for the growth and development of bone in children and women, especially pregnant women.

13. Supports digestion

Carrots are a good source of fiber to help reject regularizing and aid digestion. It is also beneficial in the treatment of constipation and acid stable. Besides, this fiber aid in the weight loss and avoid the increase in blood sugar.

14. Improve liver health

Carrots are considered food detoxification because it cleans the liver. Carrot helps reduce your fat reserves and in the liver.

15. Prevent infection

Use carrots raw or boiled carrots mashed up up the wounds on the skin to bacteria and prevent infection.

16. Other benefits

Carrots are rich in carotenoids help stabilize blood sugar. They also have the alkaline earth elements help clean and restore the blood as well as the balance of acid-alkaline in the body. High potassium intake in carrots help balance high levels of sodium is related to increased blood pressure and blood pressure control.=



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