EATING THE BUTTERS, you will be surprised by this miraculous effect

According to Oriental medicine, watermelon is weldable, capable of moisturizing, leaping apple, dissipating, detoxifying, renewing fluids and quenching thirst. Therefore, people with inflammation, pimples and hypertension can use this useful food. Especially, people with diabetes are also very good. In addition, watermelons also work to benefit heat, gums, kidney health, antiemetic and alcohol detoxification.

Many studies on chemical composition indicated, in 100 grams of watermelon 95.5% are water, 2.5% glucose, 1.2% protit, 0.5% cellulose, calcium minerals, carotene, phosphorus , iron and vitamins B1, B2, C, PP . In addition, watermelon contains a lot of folic acid, which is necessary in the process of hematopoiesis. You only need to eat 200 grams of melon is enough folic acid needs during the day.

But the benefits of watermelon are the least known. Most of us only eat the red intestine inside and throw away the peel. That has been proven to be a waste. Moreover, watermelon rind has many benefits for your health. However, you should only eat the white pulp, rather than using the green crust as it may cause you to have abdominal pain.

Watermelon skin protects the immune system

According to the Journal of Food and Agriculture Science, citrulline is a compound found in watermelon bark, which acts to repel free radicals. It is converted into amino acid to help improve cardiovascular health, protect the immune system and remove harmful substances from the body.

Use watermelon skin to treat diabetes

- 30 grams of watermelon rinds, 30 grams of green pumpkin pods, and water for daily drinking.

- Drink 3 times a day as above.

- In addition, you can get the watermelon shredded and dried or dried to get a drink to drink daily.

Drainage, diuretic

Drinking water from the watermelon rind has a refreshing effect, dissipating the hot summer heat outside the environment as well as the intense heat burning fiercely. Moreover, watermelon shells also have diuretic effects, very suitable for those who are anorexic or difficult to digest.

Watermelon soup: Remove the hard green melon peel, cut the peeled part, put it in water and boil it. Then add tomatoes, chicken eggs and spices cooked into a soup of watermelon shells which are both delicious and refreshing and diuretic.

Internal heat treatment, dry mouth, dry cough, constipation

Because melon peel is welding, so it is very suitable to prepare the medicine in hot, constipation in Oriental medicine.

Moreover, with abundant water, watermelon shells can also be used in processing salads, nutritious soup that works to treat dry cough, throat irritation and dry mouth effectively.

Watermelon shells cause weight loss

Studies have shown that citrulline consumption is capable of losing up to 30% weight. In addition, the watermelon citrulline ingredient helps to reduce muscle aches and prolong exercise time and control body weight better.

In order to exert the effect of watermelon rind, you can eat more white parts in the flesh of the melon or you can use them to prepare drinks.

Watermelon skin enhances sexual desire

Researchers from Texas A & M University and Plant Improvement Center have confirmed that citrulline in watermelon shell helps relax blood vessels and may even help reduce erectile dysfunction.

Watermelon bark and pulp are detoxifying

Watermelon bark or pulp has good detoxification properties. Use peel, pickle salt pickles, crunchy and delicious. Slice the skin, dry the flesh, mix it with a little white salt, scallions are incubated for 12-24 hours, the sour melon. This dish is suitable for people with diabetes.

Melon peel makes salad very delicious. Take the fibrous white watermelon pulp, dip it in hot water, squeeze dry, squeeze salad with bacon, shrimp, peanuts, seasoning to taste. This dish has the effect of gas utility and translation.



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