Effective acne treatment with lime, cucumber and banana peels

Acne is a common problem in all ages. It depends on many factors, including genetics, hygiene, or hormones. However, you can use some natural products to control Acne as lemon, cucumber and banana peels.

Use lemon to treat acne

Lemons can help acne treatment is very effective.

Lemons can help treat acne by DAB directly onto the skin. If skin is sensitive, you should draw a little more water to avoid irritation. Lemon juice can completely obliterate overnight on acne area. Thanks to acid and vitamin C, lemon will help to remove dead cells, human drying acne. With the stain of acne inflammation, lemon will help reduce bad blush.

Drink lemon water daily is also very good for the room except for acne. But the mixed with sugar sometimes does not bring good results. The best way is with a few spoons of honey. Mixture of water will help clean the skin, enhances the moisture, helps the skin fresh, succulent. The product also helps lose weight very well if used regularly every day.

Effective acne treatment by cucumber

Cucumber would help in the room except for Acne very effectively.

Acne formation due to clogged pores, mix with sebum and dead cells. When the skin produces too much sebum, it will blend with the layer of dead skin and caulk into the pores. This created a good environment for bacterial growth, inflame the pore and cause redness. Acne treatment simply be understood as killing bacteria and remove excess oil.

If there are lime works intensive acne then the cucumber as a nutritious juices help to balance the pH, removes dead cells and limit the development of acne. You can use cucumber to daily skin care by grilled and for in the fridge. Use this water to lather up the surface after it has been clean from day 1-2 times will work very well with the acne spots. In addition, cucumber juice also astringent pores and brighten the skin.

Daily skin care is very important to all skin types, especially the skin have acne. If you are in the period of the treatment of acne, can combine washing the face daily with cucumber juice, then DAB lemon juice onto the skin pimple before going to bed. This will help the room except for Acne very effectively, however, should not be too do use lemon because this product has more acid can harm the skin.

Treat acne with banana peels 

Acne treatment using the banana peels will bring unexpected effect (artwork).

Computer antiseptic and astringent nature of banana peels will soothe the pimples are swelling, kill the bacteria that cause acne, helps acne fast "nine" than to take away white workers inside. After the acne is gone, the skin not bruises.

Those who regularly suffer from acne, you should review the diet, rest to improve hormonal. You should eat more vegetables, cool food like liver: black beans, flour, kudzu ... and to get enough sleep.

Just a deep sleep and long helped the skin much more cheery. These foods cause Acne as easy: coffee, chili, garlic, pepper, wine, beer ... the absolute limit is necessary if you want to have your skin always smooth.

To treat acne with banana peels, you should buy the bananas ripe pepper medium, not too soft, not green, (four for 4 days treatment).


-1 banana goal nine

How to do

-Prepare 1 banana pepper, washed.

-Banana peel Chopped into 4 cm long pieces.

-How to use

You use these pieces of banana peel massage gently over the face, then up the acne spot relief as long as 30 minutes and rinse with cold water. Can acne not help immediately. The sisters do the same the next day with another banana. After 3 days you will surprise because of the docile acne spots disappear. Until Wednesday, then almost no longer what vestige of acne.=



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