Explains 10 strange sounds emanating from the body

1. The snoring

Snoring is the noise that occurs during sleep. When people breathe, sleep a on, but by going through the nose, throat or mouth make the lining of the tissue surrounding the shake up, the creation of snoring. The snoring is often just annoying for people sleeping together.

However, please visit a doctor if you have signs of gasping at night, waking up while the body drenched in sweat, or feel sleepy during the day. If these disorders occur repeatedly it will cause sleep apnea increases the risk of diabetes and stroke.

You can use your CPAP (continuous positive pressure ventilator) help open the Airways during sleep. In case of no results, you should be conducting surgery to widen the road.

2. Sprinkle, strengthened teeth lie, cry from the knee and ankle

This sound is usually the sign that: how joint ligament system being stretched suddenly, or dislocated.

However, should see a doctor if you feel pain, swelling or other symptoms do restrict activities in fitness, sports.

Knee pain and ankle pain can be a sign of arthritis, degenerative joint disease, or to chill or ligaments. This is the type of disease is more common in the elderly.

3. The uniform items, mind of réo yoke from the stomach

When the food in the stomach is pushed off down the intestine will be at your stomach through a series of bouts of intense contractions, this process usually generated cries. And the thick of the season will probably end after you have a light meal.

However, let's go visit if your stomach ' called upon ' up and accompanied with the feeling of pain, swelling, especially when you press into the abdomen. This was due to your gut can contractions too much or too little, or due to food being backlogged stasis in the stomach, at the moment you need to be operated on.

4. sprinkle teeth cry from joints

There are signs that the inflamed joints or cartilage has degenerated. Articular cartilage is the structure that covered the surface of the bone, have the effect of protecting and act as cushions between the bones. If the cartilage degenerated, it creates a rough surface, even making the parts of the skeleton were exposed. When these parts are exposed, rub together, sound is a sign of arthritis that most universal in the knee and neck.

Unfortunately, once it was realized that, it's hard to take measures to stop the process of degeneration of the articular cartilage. Osteoarthritis due to gene regulation, we only have the ability to reduce symptoms in part thanks to self control of body weight.

5. sprinkle of crackling from the jaw

If the cries loud and crisp, meaning maxillary and mandible doesn't match when you yawn. But the problem is not too serious.

However, please visit a doctor if you've done everything the way that JAWS does not open or cannot be closed and when they squeeze or splints too tight consider to limit the strain on the jaw muscle, because it can lead to the decline and jaw joint pain.

In General, if you experience this problem, you should: avoid eating chewing gum and other foods such as bread, dai, and steak.

6. sprinkle sprinkled in the neck, when the first side was babbling

According to Dr. Geier, this is not a common problem but if you feel pain, especially pain spread down one arm, then most likely it is due to the action of the nervous system. At this time, the nervous system can be pinched or narrow making it vulnerable.

In addition to the symptoms sound so the patient can see the appearance of signs attached, such as numbness, tingling in the arms, hands or fingers. In this case you also need to take the examination as soon as possible.

7. The khụt would Snort from the nose

Space in the nose too narrow to air moving through would cause the khụt would Snort. Only the nose will help you better, if not you just need to wait until the nose decreases, or try using saline or steroid nose sprays.

However, please see a doctor if the khụt would Snort appears immediately after the injury. An impact or could be powerful OWL on the nose can cause broken nose. You need to be operated on by using cartilage from another region on the body like the inner ear to patch it again.

8. sprinkle The sprinkle in the jaw when you yawn

According to Don c. Atkins, maxillo-facial doctor in Long Beach, California, then sometimes, two functions do not match each other and each time you yawn or move functions can create the sound spooky and mandibular pain. It may be the joint function disorders. The solar joint function is the coupling between the cranial and mandibular bones, joints are affected each day when you talk, chew, swallow, and yawn. Pain around the joints cause discomfort and affect the movement of the jaw.

In this case, you need to go see a doctor to be facial treatment is most effective.

9. The buzzing buzzing in ears

Tinnitus symptoms can come and go quickly. It is possible that the sound vo vo couch any way clean, spleen in your ears.

Please visit if tinnitus symptoms occur constantly and appear only in one ear. This can be a sign of infection or inner ear disorders.

However, the majority of cases the cause is unknown. So often there is no cure for a certain case. The doctor will probably advise you this symptom reduction strategies.

10. Hear the heartbeat in the ear

If you feel I can hear the heart beating in the ear at night then you need to reconsider your diet, Stephen t. Sinatra, a heart doctor in America said. "After the consumption of coffee, alcohol and excess sugar, the heart rate can increase. This can also happen if you are worried, "Dr. Stephen for more.

According to Dr. Stephen, this is not beneficial to your health, especially cardiovascular health, blood pressure. So, you need to pay attention to cut the amount of sugar, caffeine in the body. At the same time avoiding the feeling of worry, stress to protect cardiovascular health.=



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