Face the bad habit of many points made

Not eating breakfast

Breakfast has very important implications for the health of each person. A full breakfast will create the body get abundant strength, improving the efficiency of the work and learning. Medical experts recommend that: Not eating breakfast will happen many things cause harm, discomfort in the abdomen. Have the effect of boosting the metabolic processes in the body, if not eating breakfast will cause the feeling of hunger, making for easy body fatigue, headache, leading to low blood sugar. If no extended breakfast easy to cause chronic diseases such as gastritis, anemia, the body is not enough nutrients, now aging, born of gallstones.

Eating too no

If you eat too will make the stomach strain excessively, Peristaltic contractions slowed, digestive secretions is not enough, the food is not digested most of obstruction of digestive function, leading to aging.

Drink plenty of water after eating no

Every day, many people do not have the habit of drinking water but after dinner drink drinking water and new lots at a time. This routine does not benefit your health, but also affect digestion, long on will affect health.

Just drink the juice

If you just drink the juice without adding any kind of food will make you lose weight fast. But comes with weight loss at this was the lack of substance in the body, the amount of protein and calories into the body will influence to the muscle tissue. And so at one time your body energy depletion, you will eat more than compensated to regain strength and muscle.

Jogging at hunger

When the abdomen is hungry, if you jog, the heart and the liver will have to work more, appears unusual condition, harm to the body. Those who have over fifty years of age, due to the ability to metabolize fat in the body is lowered so as more dangerous.

Smoked food

The downside of salt pork or smoked is contains more salt, the culprit causing the loss of minerals (especially magnesium, are needed for biochemical reactions in the body). Moreover, salt is the culprit also increase blood pressure, causes serious abdominal, affect kidney function. Smoked meats of unknown origin, there is no clear labels can contain more saturated fat, toxic compounds generated heat, additives, growth hormones and antibiotics to survive ... Therefore, people should only use the available processing meat source due to the prestigious units produced.

Eating too much sugar and candy sweet

Powder sugar is an important source of energy supply. However, the energy supply should correspond to the body's activities. When surplus, part gluxít will be stored in the muscles and liver, other parts will be converted into fatty acids or longer increases the amount of fat in the body. So, eat sugar substances is one of the causes of obesity, diabetes and cardiovascular disease. Eat a lot of sugar easily lead to metabolic disorders, endocrine disorders and malnutrition

Eat more instant noodles

Noodle is food prepared with very little nutritional value. And it is considered junk food. Each cake noodles contain high amount of carbohydrates, sodium and other food additives, and contains very few essentials such as fibre, vitamins, minerals.

As recommended by nutrition experts, you can suffer heart disease, sudden qụy, hypertension, impaired kidney function, cancer ... If the consumption of instant noodles frequently. Therefore, the consumer should not eat instant noodles as harmful to health. Many studies have shown that high sodium consumption is related to a variety of diseases such as high blood pressure, heart disease, stroke and kidney hurting.

Drink the tea immediately after a meal

Eat drink water tea now not only dilutes room that the large number of amino acids in tea will combine with the proteins in the food form not conducive to the absorption of digested protein substances.

Drink tea so special also makes the lining of the stomach shrinks, protein substances were precipitated, simultaneous translation, dilutes the influence digestion and the absorption of iron to the body. In addition a special tea also cause insomnia.

Alcohol overdose amount

Drinking dose too will hurt the liver, the stomach; If drinking alcohol too often also makes alcohol accumulation in the body that cause chronic poisoning, paralyzing the nerve, causing disorder in the system metabolism in the body increase fast aging.

Sleeping too much

Sleep too much will increase the burden for the brain, physiological Exchange làmchosự dropped to the lowest level, depress the sensory function, skeletal muscle tension and reduced immunity, causes a range of diseases, especially the slow blood circulation will cause sudden heart disease or cerebral vascular ear.

Smoking is now when just eating finished

This habit so harmful. When eaten, the blood circulation in blood sugar and increased, enhancing teaching activity, the blood vessels in the tissue a long colon out mao. In cigarettes has these toxins easily penetrate into the body, toxic to the increase.

Walk right after eating

Eat the blood flow to the stomach to aid digestion, so the blood supply for the other parts at least, if eaten right walk will further increase the burden on the body, reduce the blood supply to the colon and stomach. So the elderly have heart disease and stomach weak finish should rest.

Go too high shoes

You must leave the shoes too high will make the foot and toes bear excessive weight, body leaning forward, the chest and the back rearward stomping strides hurt lower back muscle ligament, easily born skewed toes, ankle distortions.

Brushing too many times during the day

Doctor, dentist Peter Alldritt, Chairman of the Committee of oral health in the Australian Dental Association, recommends: "enamel on the tooth thickness only. If brushing too many times each day will make this enamel layer thinning. Meanwhile, the ivory teeth under the glaze will gradually expose the cause of teeth look as gold. "

However, no brushing or brushing once/day is also not good for the teeth because can not remove most bacteria and plaque on the teeth. At best, you should keep the habit of brushing 2 times breakfast, dinner. In addition, you should also use more dental only during the day to remove the food sticking on the teeth, preventing the possibility of bacterial growth.

Dry hand wash water abuse

All kinds of dry hand wash water contain alcohol to clean the bacteria on your hands. However, misuse of water to wash hands is something that you should avoid using as much water as washing hands as harmful to your skin.

According to Dr. Dawes-Higgs-dermatologists in the United States, the "water hand washing to dry too often will make the skin dryness (so alcoholic ingredients contained in the water hand washing) and can cause allergies. Dry skin prone to cracking and bacteria easily invade, proliferating in the body. With this case, the water hand washing was completely counterproductive. "

To hand hygiene, you should wash your hands with clean water with SOAP, only water should be used to wash the hands dry in the event of unavoidable no longer other way.

Drinking too much soda water

Everyone knows to Coke and ever drink Coke. However, there are special people like to drink Coke without foreseen the harm of it.

In countries with gas contains more caffeine usually makes blood pressure increased, blood pressure too high will damage to the kidneys. Drink a lot of soda water in the long run can lead to the accumulation of excess fat around the liver and skeletal muscles, causes insulin resistance in the body and increase the risk of diabetes .

In addition, according to the Swedish scientists then Coke potentially carcinogenic substances like methylmadizole and increases the risk of premature aging due to contain more film.

Lazy doctor visit

This habit can lead to unfortunate consequences that you didn't expect to. Those visits will often have the ability to detect the disease sooner, so that effective treatment is also better.

There are no disease symptoms in the early stages, are the most dangerous diseases such as cancer, sexual diseases ... or similar symptoms makes many subjective thought not ill or confused this disease with other diseases. From there, they either don't go visit or buy drug treatment ... The result is to when to see a doctor, the disease has more severe stage, the treatment more difficult.

Therefore, you should create for his habit of consultations every six months hoặc1 year. In the event that there are signs of suspicious and unusual in the body then need to visit as soon as possible.=



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