Foods that cause severe inflammation in the body

Sauteed fried foods

The food often contain trans fat trans fat is. the main culprit causing inflammation and leads to coronary heart-related ailments, cancer and type 2 diabetes.

Cut fried foods and processed as meat fried and frozen, can reduce inflammation.

Researchers at Mount Sinai School of medicine said: "cutting down fried foods and processed as meat fried and frozen, can reduce inflammation and help restore the ability to protect your body as it will reduce the amount of AGE into the body.

AGE (Advanced Glycation End) is some toxins appear when food is heated, baked, fried, or sterilization phase. The AGE damage for a number of proteins in the body, and the body is also trying to break the AGE by using the Cytokine (inflammatory antibody).

Depending on where the AGE to appear in the body, they can cause arthritis or other inflammatory ".

Dairy products

According to the Responsible Medicine for some people, the dairy products may increase the pain due to arthritis because they contain some kind of Protein that can stimulate the tissues around the joints. Some people with arthritis had better conversion when converting to a vegetarian diet, no ingredients derived from animals.  Solutions for you: instead of meat and milk Protein supplements, can complement the other major sources of Protein from vegetables such as spinach, nuts, tofu, peanut butter, lentils, sesame.

Sugar and foods contain more starch

The consumption of too much sugar can cause inflammation and chronic diseases such as type 2 diabetes and metabolic syndrome. According to a study published in the journal of nutrition, the American people who are healthy but sugary breakfast, then later have high blood sugar, comes as signs of increased inflammation.

According to researchers the UNIVERSITY of Toronto, refined foods such as crackers, bread ... should be limited to consume because they increase the level of severe inflammation and plasminogen activation inhibitor type 1 (PAI-1) cause the risk of type 2 diabetes.

Red meat

If you frequent consumption of red meat may increase the risk of cancer nearly three times.

According to a study from the UNIVERSITY of Oxford, the regular consumption of red meat may increase the risk of cancer nearly three times. That's because red meat contain a molecule called Neu5Gc, not suitable for the human body. If the consumption of many foods can make the body produce antibodies against Neu5Gc molecule, from that cause reactions and lead to inflammation in the body.

Wine, drinks are gas and cigarettes

Anyone know about the harmful effects of alcohol and tobacco to the liver, lungs ... But did you know that drinking alcohol and smoking can affect your joints. Smokers have a higher risk of getting the disease rheumatoid arthritis and alcoholism can increase the risk of gout.

So, try to avoid alcohol and smoking to keep yourself healthy is urgently needed.

According to Swiss researchers, drink 2 cans water young men there gas a day will increase the concentration of C-reactive protein, an inflammatory markers closely linked to heart disease, heart attack and stroke.

Salt and preservatives

Should avoid processed food because although they are convenient but often have very high in sodium.

Need to learn about the food you are using. To extend the time limit for use, some foods are added to a salt and preservatives. For some people, eating too much salt can lead to arthritis.

Solutions for you: should avoid processed food because although they are convenient but often have very high in sodium, meanwhile, use less salt can help improve arthritis. Also, please read the product label processing available to avoid the product of too many preservatives and additives.=



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