Great healing effect thanks to vegetable sweet potato

Great healing effect thanks to vegetable sweet potato.

Sweet potato leaves are delicious wild vegetables, moderate and cool. Tuber vegetables and sweet potatoes was the smoking room healing has been used from long, where it is called the "Southern Ginseng".

According to Oriental medicine, Yam has many names such as: Orange try, the font. Potatoes, sweet taste, count on two business Bhikkhu and kidney. Body tonic effect, gas utility, reinforced body, event, target inflammation, can benefit, Suite, bright eyed; curing jaundice, inflammation of the mammary gland, scourge, women irregular menstruation (before States), men, and children essential Orange mobile area of, capital.

Spinach, sweet taste properties, non-toxic, additional harm, utilities, events, private kidney Yin Bhikkhu. Repair damaged kidney, eating poorly, Bhikkhu sound real. Diets with low cases backlogged proofing, diarrhea, inflammation of the stomach most acidosis, low blood sugar.


Fresh cooked spinach has the effect of laxative. Spinach has a sweet, cool, thanks to contain more fiber should help a good laxative. Spinach leaves also contain plastic Eraser approximately 1.95%-1.97% leap effects should have school.

Prevention of obesity

Simple you just need to eat mashed potatoes and steamed veggies or eat rice 1/2 mode, 1/2 sweet potatoes separately, or padded together cooking rice, congee, bread ... will help lose weight effectively.

Treat nausea, sickness

In the spinach contains vitamin B6, has the effect of reducing nausea for pregnant women during early (usually ill ghén), or vomit or eWw gross, not eating or anorexia.

Good for people with diabetes

In the diets of people with diabetes, should regularly eat steamed vegetables. Spinach leaves have reduced blood glucose. You should not use root vegetables, because tubers contain much starch.

Gemma red spinach contains a substance much like insulin, in the old leaves have no substance. Therefore, people with diabetes can use Gemma vegetable sweet potato plants to eat the young leaves.

Cooling, detoxification

In the hot sunny days, or the body is suffering from heat (hot), should use the spinach in the meal, because spinach has computer cooling, cooling.

The way of processing vegetable sweet potato

Sweet potato vegetable works well in terms of healing, easily digested.

Sweet potato vegetable works well in terms of healing, ease of digestion when we make boiled dish, just take advantage of vegetable juice, and easy processing.

You should eat boiled in the summer, can FRY garlic is also very delicious and suitable in the winter.=



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