Green cauliflower-potions counteract arthritis

Not only is the food, cauliflower is also great effects in healing. Eat cauliflower help fight arthritis, gout, good for the eye, preventing heart, allergy, ...

Not only is the food, cauliflower is also wonderful effects in healing.

Cauliflower contain ingredients such as: protein 3.5%; gluxit 4.9%; and many minerals, vitamins such as calcium (26 mg phosphorus (51%); the mg%); iron (1.4%); 20 mg sodium (mg%); 349 mg potassium (%); in betacarotene (40 mg%); vitamin B1 (0.11 mg%), vitamin C (70 mg%).

Cauliflower has two types of white and blue. Kind of blue is often brittle and dai than should be feeling better, is also very good for your health-help prevent many diseases, such as cardiovascular, cancer of the prostate, bladder, stomach ulcers ...

Broccoli also contains potassium-very important in preventing cramp, while helping you combat high blood pressure. Do you know that can reach 4% calcium helps strong bones as recommended by the United States Bureau of agriculture with only a small servings of cauliflower.  This is especially important with women-those diseases of bones such as osteoporosis.

Cauliflower is the smart choice for housewives if want to increase the resistance to the members of the family.

Compounds in Broccoli (broccoli) helps prevent a destructive enzyme articular cartilage, which can slow and even prevent osteoarthritis, according to a study in the uk.

The research group of the UNIVERSITY of East Anglia (uk) tested on people following the successful research in the laboratory. They asked 20 patients eating 100 g of this dish every day, steadily for 2 weeks.

"This is perfectly reasonable for a food rations just enough and just spend money that most people should pay for meals every day," Dr. Rose Davidson, head of the research group said.

Compare with 20 patients were instead of knee joints that do not participate in the diet, the results showed the substance sulforaphane in broccoli are green went to where needed in the joints and produces beneficial changes in the cellular level.=



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