Heat treatment of his mouth out immediately

The heat of the mouth is a common disease in oral, oral heat illness often causes feelings of pain and discomfort when you com mouth or when chewed. The heat of the mouth often occurs on the tongue, lips, or inside the cheek.

Heat treatment of his mouth out immediately.

Frequent gargling

When heat will be very sore, for pain before eating you should contact mouth with ice. After the dinner should be gargling with warm salt water. Regularity on 3 times so the sores in the mouth will from fading.

Coconut heat cure mouth: crushed several pieces of coconut, then grilled and used to gargle for about 3 to 4 times per day.

Eat yogurt

Yogurt is the dish like password of many people during the summer. The yogurt can also be used to cure the heat simple mouth that quite effectively. The yogurt will prevent the formation of new sores in the mouth cavity.

Sour star fruit drink

Fresh sour star fruit 2-3, retired, poured and boiled for a while, wait when the drug gradually swallowing up its chilling and, along with it several times a day. Star fruit pickles help more heat, the epidemic's front also serves better than sweet.

Sweet vegetables

Sweet vegetable wash leaves, crushed, drained his retirement with a bit of honey. Day 2-3 times using the cotton swab into the solution on illuminate sores, help germicide and presto.

Tomatoes live

Eating tomatoes is a cure for mouth heat efficiently.

Eating tomatoes is a cure mouth heat efficiently. Or you also can shut up tomato juice every day about 3-4 times will quickly cure mouth heat.=



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