'Hell bites' menstrual disorders from flowers

Rhododendron (Rhododendron, Azalea) is one of the species of flowers are very popular in many countries of the world by the tender beauty of it. Plants native to temperate, grows more in the high mountain areas, suitable for cool climate all year round.

Rhododendron is also named garnet red paint, paint, paint, pink spring flowers are met, thanh minh hoa, Camellia flowers ...

Post folk medicine curing women is useful from flowers.

Flowers sweet and sour taste, warmth, the inclusion of blood, except radio, doing all the itching, which is used to treat the inflammation of the bronchial air, vomiting blood, stomach and especially inflammatory disease in women.

Sweet Sour rhododendron roots, warmth, the inclusion of blood, except pain, rheumatism; is used for curing the haemorrhage syndrome, menstrual irregularities, pirated tapes, hemorrhage, hemorrhoids, arthritis.

Menstrual disorders

Rhododendron roots 15 g, 15 g, peppermint roots useful template workshop 15 g, 9 g, Commission taking. If abdominal pain, back pain and menstrual color pale rhododendron roots, use 30 g, 30 g, kim sa Navy roots pharmaceutical box 15 g sharp, drink 1-2 months period.

Damaged gas

White flowers 15 g, pork just enough amount of nails, root cellar do eat soup. Or rhododendron roots 15 g, tree cleft (tam Bach workshop), 15 g.


Flowers, wine and excellent star with 60 g drink. Rhododendron roots or 30-60 g, color drink along with a little wine.

If the late production hemorrhage you just grab a handful of rhododendron leaf with some wine and then drink.

This is the type of tree that grows in the temperate, very much in Vietnam azalea grown in Dalat areas, moreover is not alien to people gradually, so you use it to heal really helpful!=



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