Look at the tongue guess sickness

The tongue has a white coating

When the tongue appears a thick white coating, can your tongue infection, swelling, or can be a sign of thrush, candida yeast infection (also called yeast). With this disease, we can treat with fungicide treatment or cleaning the blades often to the tongue back to normal state.

Dark-colored or Black Blade

Healthy tongue will have pinkish color, so when dark or black or Tan colored tongue is the manifestation of your health problem: lifestyle, diet or the use of drugs. Side effects of the drug bismuth (such as Pepto Bismol: for treatment of diarrhea, or stomach, duodenal ulcers) make temporary tongue switch to black.

Can also do you drink too much coffee and smoking. If the blade was stained from food or do drugs then your just a couple tongue hygiene will help reduce the color, but if it is due to the habit of smoking will increase the risk of oral cancer.

Hair blades

If your tongue just like hair, can cause you to use antibiotics, the tongue or infested by dry mouth do the blades lost water.

The tongue has red bumps

If your tongue has red nodules or ulcers may be caused by colds, fever, eating many kinds of fruit such as citrus or bite on the tongue. The sores normally heal and disappear in a week to 10 days but if stretching can be a sign of cancer of the mouth. In this case, you should go to the doctor to be examined and treated promptly.

The tongue has a stain as the image map

When on the tongue have the stain like the image map, white border, in bold red color than normal tongue and gradually spread out, that's when you get sick inflamed tongue map. This is not a serious disease. The scarred lesions can change the shape, size, and location of each day, even hour.

We still don't know the exact cause cause diseases, but can the family medical history along with diabetes, stress, allergies and use contraceptives oral type is a number of reasons. This disease is not related to infection or cancer.

Blade surface texture

Blade surface texture can be because your tongue is inflamed and tender. If the sores normally then this condition is not serious and will run out in a few days. But if it turn red or white, and the pain does not disappear, it may be a sign of oral cancer.

The tongue is red and sore

When the pink tongue suddenly turns into the color red can be a sign of lack of vitamin B3, anemia or lack of folic acid and vitamin B12.

However, when the tongue redness temporarily and the sensation of pain is likely to be caused by food or you are sensitive to taste some of the toothpaste, mouthwash or candy singum (such as cinnamon) or acidic foods (such as aromatic). If you suffer the pain of regular blades, you keep eat these foods.

The tongue moved into gold

Yellow color on the tongue may be due to some infection tongue fungus or bacteria in the mouth. One other possible cause due to gastric reflux. Sometimes, changes the color of the tongue appears only in a small motor is due. In that case, some areas on the tongue yellow while other areas remain normal and the color pink.

Hot tongue burning

The phenomenon of burning hot mouth and tongue are the most common symptoms in women after menopause. Other causes may be due to infections, dry mouth (an effect of some medications), or lack of nutrition. To remedy this situation by drinking water regularly, chewing candy swingum (to combat dry mouth), or the use of drugs against anxiety and depression.

Pale in color and smooth tongue

When a person suffering from anemia due to iron deficiency, the tongue will become pale and smooth. That's because when your body does not carry enough blood iron deficiency, the necessary oxygen to the tissues (including the tongue) to red pink tongue. Therefore, you need additional iron to the body by consuming foods rich in iron such as red meats, beef, pork, lamb, scallop, clams, cabbage, watercress, sesame seeds, almonds ...

Apthae tongue ulcers

Tongue ulcers appear in the belly of the blade or in the blade tip makes the patient very upset and pain, affect chewing function and pronounced. Patients should be treated by a doctor's prescription can obliterate or drink. Should do more tests to see if there are missing or not blood.

Measures to prevent diseases of the tongue

Regular oral hygiene, regular salt water gargle.

Not be liberty to use the drug if not knowing about drugs or not specified by your doctor or pharmacist.

Need full eating substances, vitamin tablets can be used every day.

If there are sores on long unusual tumors or not then have to go to a doctor immediately.

In summary, the majority of the diseases in the tongue are benign and just treat the symptoms. However there is still a certain percentage of people to trade in the tongue is the expression of a malignancy. Therefore, it is necessary to visit a specialist in ENT maxillo-facial or immediately if there are irregularities in the tongue.=



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