May be fatal if eaten cucumbers do not properly

Maybe anyone ever eat cucumber fruit to taste bitter. It is because some part of the cucumber contains triterpenoids tetracyclic compounds are extremely toxic, also known as cucurbitacins compounds.

Any type of food, including fruit, when eating, eat too much are bring the effect of unwanted, harmful to health, even in death. With cucumbers, too, if abused, you will also see the dangers for health here.

Maybe anyone ever eat cucumber fruit to taste bitter. It is because some part of the cucumber contains triterpenoids tetracyclic compounds are extremely toxic, also known as cucurbitacins compounds. Excessive consumption of substances which can cause risk of mortality.

Cucumber juice will become harmful if there is bitterness. Therefore, to avoid drinking the juice bitter cucumber.

According to Oriental medicine, cucumbers are cold, if eating more will urinate more, even the weak kidneys can be pissed or minor and lead to impotence. Therefore, the stomach gets cold, affected kidney function should not eat cucumbers.

The study by the Academy of Allergy Asthma and Immunology on the allergic reaction of cucumber to humans showed that people who are allergic to pollen allergy can also suffer when consuming cucumbers. Although cucumber after processing can remove this threat, but the scientists also recommended people with pollen allergies should find alternative vegetables cucumbers to avoid the risk of danger.

A major harm of eating too many cucumbers as you will risk dehydration and loss of body balance. Cucumber seeds contain fatty oil and cucurbitin have mild diuretic properties. Eating too many cucumbers will cause the status of diuretic overdose, and can lead to loss of water and electrolytes from the body, causing an imbalance, and even water loss in severe cases.

The core cucumber is rich in vitamin C or caffeic acid, and the melon rind is rich in fiber and minerals such as silica, potassium and magnesium. While the minerals and nutrients provides many benefits to the body, then the excessive consumption of cucumber caused harmful side effects.

The core cucumber is rich in vitamin C or caffeic acid. When the target currency too much cucumber will cause excess vitamin C, it will convert into a pro-oxidants promote the development of free radicals damage cells and the body in certain conditions.

Water content in cucumber by up to 90%. The amount of water to be absorbed into the blood makes blood volume increases, the pressure of the blood vessels and heart. The consequence is the heart and the blood vessels have to suffer the unwanted damage. The salary of this excess water can cause loss of balance, blood electrolyte levels created the status of leakage in the cells. This is the cause leading to the phenomenon of headaches and shortness of breath often.=



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