Miraculous healing effects of sweet potatoes you don't yet know

Miraculous healing effects of sweet potatoes you don't yet know.

Help for healthy eyes

One of the benefits of sweet potatoes that's this food contains very high concentrations of beta carotene. A medium sized potatoes provides more than 200% of the amount of beta carotene necessary for human body. Beta carotene is an important nutrient that when on the body, it is converted into vitamin a. When is converted into vitamin A, beta carotene will help the immune system and our eyes healthy.

Glycemic Control

Eat sweet potatoes can help us control the amount of sugar in the blood. By increasing the concentration of adiponectin, sweet potatoes can participate in insulin metabolism, help control blood sugar. In addition, sweet potatoes are rich in fiber can slow the process of clearing the way to the blood vessels, thereby, preventing blood sugar increase suddenly.

Helps healthy skin

Can you think of that, new fruits are sources of vitamin C. However, the sweet potato as well as foods rich in vitamin c. A medium size potatoes provide almost 40% of the amount of vitamin C needed for us daily. The amount of vitamin C to help the body produce collagen, which helps us to have healthy skin.

Protect the heart

Sweet potatoes have two types of nutrients are very good for our heart, which is vitamin B6 and potassium. Vitamin B6 is important vitamins that help raise homocysteine break-type amino acids can cause diseases of the heart. In addition, potassium also helps our heart healthy.

Helps strong bones

A potato provided 28% of manganese is needed for the body each day. This was a great information by manganese is an essential mineral for our health. Manganese helps the body to metabolize carbohydrates and maintain energy. In addition, this mineral helps the body to absorb the nutrients as well as help the bones.

Reduce symptoms of swelling, inflammation

Sweet potatoes are a source of great substances, helps control diseases cause swelling, inflammation. Additionally, anthocyanins in purple sweet potatoes also have health benefits when reducing the swelling, inflammation, symptoms can signal many diseases.

Can cure the allergy

Sweet potatoes contain quercetin, a flavonoid types extremely healthy with many benefits. It can help reduce LDL cholesterol and reduce symptoms of swelling, inflammation. In addition, quercetin is also acts as a natural antihistamin drugs have the effect against allergies.

The best sweet potato time

Lunch is the ideal time to choose sweet potato dish for herself. Because of the amount of calcium in the body after the sweet potatoes need to 4-5 pm recently absorbed. On the other hand, the afternoon sunlight good for promoting calcium absorption by the body. When the body absorbs most of the amount of calcium is also necessary at excited with dinner.

However, should not eat sweet potatoes along the red berries because the sugar in the sweet potatoes will ferment in the stomach, the acid secretion increases from that room. This acid enzymes combined with tannin contained in red berries cause reactions create precipitation, harmful to the stomach. Long days can lead to stomach ulcers or bleeding.=



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