Mudskipper the intestine because of the habit of going to defecation

"The habit of defecating concessions will lead to rectal prolapse, intestinal necrosis, death". BSCKII, German General, Gastroenterology, hospital 354 said.[links]

Bowel obstruction, rectal prolapse due to resist defecation 5 days ago, h. B.T. patients (76 years old in my Hao, Hung yen) to the emergency hospital in reciprocal bowel perforation. It is known that before she H have the habit of going to College. Mrs H clogged intestine level leading to perforation of the colon. Patients said, Mrs. h. 3 days not defecation. Ms. h. still living and working in normal homes. Suddenly, Mrs. H call for abdominal pain, the family thought she was simply constipation. On the same afternoon, the family saw Mrs H severe pain, pain throughout the abdomen does not tolerate should be brought to the Army Central Hospital 108 emergency. Patients hospitalized in serious pain, abdominal condition across the abdomen, abdominal pain lower half more, more pain left side to the right. Although the results of CT was diagnosed first as appendicitis, RT after the harsh colon but through monitoring and consultations, the doctors think patients with peritonitis. L point, the patient is open white sugar between the abdomen to surgery. Then the doctor determine the cause of Mrs. h. being such is due to the habit of going to College. Mudskipper the intestine because of the habit of going to the great health, life, Binh thoi dai tien alphabet familiarity, tri, tri, Binh dai tien, tap sa truc trang, che due to nutrition, suc khoe, how  

Patients with colon, rectal prolapse tag because of the habit of going to defecation

Similar to Mrs. h. Ms. Nguyen Thi Yen (CAU Giay, Hanoi) just because of the habit of going to defecation that hospitalized because of emergency Colon rectal prolapse by mudskipper. The family of Ms. Yan worked as traders, so busy or have the habit of going to College. Recently, she saw a wild anal Bureau, at first only when defecating, then push appeared an entire block of bulging like tomatoes, accompanied rớm the blood, pain, mucous flowing or continuous manure són. I think merely being hot in should only change the diet to add more vegetables. After a few weeks my sister Karla does not see the situation improving. Doctor concluded she suffered bowel that causes the mudskipper is due to hold routine defecation causes. PGS. TS. A Powerful Nair, Chairman of the anus rectum learn Vietnam said, not least who hold defecation leads to constipation, hemorrhoids. However, they do not know the direction of treatment and not paying attention to nutrition activities regime should very severe disease. The set of daily defecation habits According to BSCKII, the German Dance Central, Gastroenterology, hospital 354, hemorrhoids have many causes which have the habit of going to College. By the Division down to the rectum will stimulate sensations like to go outside. But if the stool down time, we tried to resist, long on rectum familiar contains feces, receptor properties and takes away not to screen out lead to hemorrhoids. Routines go long, straining on defecation into constipation, click easy but after sa increased, not brought into being. Rectal passage sa was clog because the anal muscle spasm, edema, cyanosis gradually lining the necrotic cause inflammation of the peritoneum, which led to lower mortality. So, should the daily defecation habits into a certain hour and absolutely should not resist defecation when sad. PGS. TS. Zhao Chaoyang, Gastroenterology, BV 108 said, sick people often subjectively with constipation do not take the examination and treatment. Constipation is sometimes simply due to non-scientific eating habits, diet rich in protein, low in fiber, sedentary, drinking water, or lazy habits go go ... These cases can be treated easily but sometimes constipation is a symptom of a disease entity in the digestive tract such as colitis, colon dysfunctions or certain diseases such as hypothyroidism, increased blood calcium, lead poisoning or causes pinched causing narrowing of the Palm of the colon and may be fatal.   Want to effectively cure soon Want to cure constipation, hemorrhoids effectively you must take the examination. The patient should be examined as soon as possible (from the when expression goes beyond fresh blood had to go visit). When in light phase, patients only need medication, functional food as well as paying attention, nutrition activities regime; avoid squatting, heavy Warsaw ... If hemorrhoids at an altitude of 1, 2, you can apply the nutritional regime include the food, laxative, help come apart easily, does not cause diarrhea as well as reasonable lifestyle (active, do not carry heavy, squat ...). If patients switch to speed 3, the hemorrhoid cure ability. At this time the patient must need surgery unless a patient perseverance in the mode of living, nutrition, ensure non-constipation, diarrhea, unlawful capital, Tufts hemorrhoids no more big, bleeding more.


(According To The ASSOC. TS. A Powerful Nair, Chairman of the anus rectum Vietnam studied/[links]  =



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