Only an unexpected green banana could cure so many diseases

Bananas are considered to be the favorite fruit of many people, and are effective in healing and beautifying women. Unlike ripe bananas that contain a lot of sugar, green bananas are rich in starch, especially resistant to starch. Green banana peel contains many antioxidants, tannins, antibacterial substances. Bananas are rich in minerals and vitamins . This makes green bananas extremely useful in cuisine, preventing many diseases.

Reduce diarrhea

Resistant and pectin starches - soluble fiber in green bananas have the function of feeding and keeping good bacteria. So, if you have diarrhea, eat green bananas cooked with the skin on. Green bananas also contain high levels of tannin that act as astringents and anti-inflammatory.

In folklore, green pepper banana powder is a familiar medicine in treating diarrhea. Cooking green pepper banana porridge helps children to curb diarrhea.

Green pepper banana + Honey: Cure stomach problems

Alternatively, you can use natural green pepper banana powder. Then, use this powder to mix with a sufficient amount of dry honey. Continue to turn them into small rounds.

Each time, you should eat a few pills equivalent to about 2-3 tablespoons of pepper + honey powder. This will help reduce gastric secretion and irritation in the stomach, protecting the stomach lining.

Prevent diabetes

Green bananas can reduce the body's ability to absorb glucose and reduce insulin levels in the body, thereby preventing diabetes. In addition, green bananas are rich in vitamin B6, which plays an important role in more than 100 enzymatic reactions in the body, essential for the formation of hemoglobin, an effective oxygen transporter protein, while supporting sugar control. in blood.

Prevent colorectal cancer

Many studies claim that green bananas can reduce the risk of colon and colon cancer and help the digestive tract be healthy by removing toxins from the intestinal wall.

Reduce stress

Pectin and starch resistance ingredients in green bananas not only promote good digestion but also help reduce stress effectively. In green bananas, there is a lot of tryptophan, which helps create hormones that make you feel good. It may also be the result of increased nitric oxide (NO) levels by antioxidants such as tannins, carotenoids and chlorophyll in green bananas.

Green bananas are rich in tryptophan amino acids, which enhance serotonin production - hormones that make you feel happy.

Reduce gastritis, duodenal ulcer

Besides the pectin component in bananas, it can be coated with a protective layer on the stomach, preventing the abrasive effect of hydrochloric acid, green bananas for cooking, and also providing tannins with antiviral / antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties.

Cure insomnia

To cure insomnia with green bananas there are many ways. Accordingly, you can combine with cinnamon to increase efficiency. With this method of insomnia with green bananas, there is no need to prepare too fussy, the implementation is quite simple and anyone can apply at home.


1 green banana (Note that select the old fruit but not the young fruit)

1 liter of water

1 tablespoon cinnamon powder


Step 1: First, boil 1 liter of water with moderate fire until boiling.

Step 2: Cut off the head and tail of the bananas and wash them and put them in the pot of boiling water.

Step 3: Then keep the fire level just enough to boil the banana for another 15 minutes to make the bananas ripen and the nutrients fade out more.

Step 4: You boil the boiled water into 1 cup of glass about 250ml and then add the spoon of cinnamon powder to each other. Step 5: Drink the above water.



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