Point face the bad habits that cause back pain

Bed mattress too old

According to the American Sleep care, the life expectancy of a bed mattress is from 9-10 years, however, you should change the mattress bed cover after 5-7 years if find yourself sleep. Research by the University of Oklahoma (USA) shows, those bed-mattresses after 5 years sleep and less back pain.

Therefore, you should not choose the mattress is too soft or too hard. Mattresses too hard increases the pressure on the spine and increase the sensation of pain. For more comfort, you can buffer the pillow under the knees when supine, knee grip between the knees when lying or pillow under the belly and hips when lying down.

Watching tv too much

See more televisions will cut the time for training. According to a Norwegian study on teenagers, the children sit watching television or playing computer 15 hours per week or more have high lumbar pain rate 3 times with you but.

So, should limit tv. When to the ads, you do some stretching movements of people or to avoid the body not being strained due to sitting for too long. In small children, walk 1, 5 km/day will help relieve back pain and create conditions for invertebrates can stretch out.


According to the survey of the Health Center at Duke University (USA) on 58 patients chronic lumbar pain, those episodes to learn how to forgive at least feel anger, depression and ... at least appear pain than others. According to s. James w. Carson, research team members: "emotions, the muscle tension and human thoughts can directly influence the strength of the signals that cause pain".

So, forgiveness is not an easy job done, it requires a psychological fight many times. First, you get to think of someone you love, then think about myself and a person you don't know. Finally, the new thought of whom you do not sympathize with them.

"Bad" posture

The doctors are saying that correcting the incorrect posture also affect the muscles and the spine. Once the spine of the pressure then the likelihood of back pain is unavoidable. So, it should hold true even posture when standing or sitting, such as sitting back upright, straight right foot with strong posture to help the body.

Heavy lifting is not exactly

When you lift heavy objects, it is necessary to bend the knee and then use strength to lift things up. Make sure that things need not lift too heavy compared to their body weight and not to the body were to sudden jerks to avoid the spine does not handle up, leading to pain.

Tension speed

When you strain, the muscles throughout the body, especially the muscles in the neck and back will shrink. The muscles need time to be let loose. So, if you stress throughout the day, making them always been strained, the pain would be inevitable.

So when have identified the cause of back pain is caused by stress, you can find a way to relax as the workout, go out with friends, read a book or listen to music. Austrian research conducted on hernia sufferers 65 shows, the combination between the music and the rest helps decrease the sensation of pain in the lumbar region.

Unhealthy diet

Research shows that, in people with back pain, the arteries leading to the backbone suffers congestion. A healthy circulatory system help providing nourishment to the backbone and remove scum substances in the body. This process is interrupted when easy to stimulate the inflammatory response. The chemicals cause inflammation when it is released on the back can stimulate the nerves that transmit pain signals to the brain.

Thus, a healthy diet, good for the lower back will help reduce the inflammatory response. Should avoid consuming caffeine and processed foods, instead, need to recognize many types of whole grains, soybeans, fruits, protein (chicken, fish, lean meat), vegetable and fruit.

Take my shoes high heels

When to go heel high shoes, you must back the stomping strides in the backbone more work. Some types of sandals high heels don't have the help the heel, leaving the heel vulnerable to shaking, do body weight is distributed over the region unstable, from which easily cause back pain.

Because of the siege, instead of running under the trend of fashion, you choose for themselves the soft soles of shoes and should bring the shoes lining when not feeling comfortable. Research of Lehigh University (USA) showed that people who suffer from back pain when switching to go lightweight, comfortable shoes, have lined the foot, 80% of them fell really feeling sore in the first round of the year.


If you are overweight, you will suffer from back pain more than those with normal weight. Because, those who are overweight, especially belly fat will cause more stress on the muscles in his back caused by gravity to move forward. So, let's try to maintain an ideal weight. You can make by exercising regularly and eating healthy.


Smoking causes various problems in the body and back pain is one of them. The reason is very simple, nicotine hinders the flow of blood to the intervertebral discs of the spine region. This increases the speed of degeneration, which leads to back pain, even serious back pain.

Lack of vitamin D and calcium

Vitamin D and calcium are two especially important nutrient for bone strength. They also contribute to preventing the pain in his back. You can supplement vitamin D and calcium from milk and dairy products, green leafy vegetables.=



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