Prevention and treatment of itching skin in cold season

There are many causes of itching skin.

With your doctor can be itchy skin in elderly people, especially about the winter. When the higher age of the secretion of sebum essence (essence, helps the skin from being dry and soft) as diminishing, the skin looks no longer young and sharp profit very prone to itching, especially in the cold season. Cold air makes the skin more and more dry, cold makes many people like hot water bath or heating (coal, firewood, electricity), all the above factors combined make the skin more dry and itchy.

1. Eat more fish

One of the main manifestations of the skin in winter is dull and chapped. Once your body lose water, your skin will start to reinvent and dull. When dehydrated skin cells will be replaced more slowly than healthy cells, causing a bad buildup for the skin cells, limits the brightness of the skin. At the same time, the process of blood circulation also slowed, causing wrinkles look more pronounced. The simplest solution for winter skin is to eat more fish for Omega-3 supplements and drink plenty of water. In salmon and walnuts are yet more essential fatty acids.

2. Use skin cream

Cream is not just for the lips. Cream is a great invention for women who go to work, or be faced with harsh winter weather. The process of water loss in winter occurs throughout the body, if you just nursing the lips of the other were still dry and skin itch. Instead of accepting the discomfort, you should use the body lotion. If you do get yourself the mixture from nature to moisturize it as excellent.

3. Use the cleanser

Many people said that winter should not use this page for washing, but that was a mistake. Cleanser cleans the skin, helps the skin not sealed pores and at the same time balance the metabolic process. Cleansers also purged away the dead cells that cause dry itchy. So before DAB moisturizer, you should wash your face clean with milk.

4. Soak in the bath milk

The face contains more oil than other skin areas and also be more special care should at least be subject to the itchy fissures, hand and foot skin area however is different. They usually crust by fighting with harsh weather. The best way, you should use a sugar-milk-cream separator with warm water, soak both in about 15 minutes, then apply moisturizer. If the House does not have a bathtub, you use the pots to soak the skin of hands and feet skin with the solution above.

To limit the itching, should only be slightly warm water (not hot water bath too) and limit the use of SOAP. Not so much the more as scratching because scratching their itchy and easily cause skin infections.

5. Use sunscreen

Many people believe that winter without sunshine, should not smeared sunscreen every time out. But this is a serious mistake. Winter sunshine gứt not gay like the summer, but the ultraviolet rays in sunlight can still damage your skin. So, before you go out, please apply a layer of Sunscreen SPF 15 minimum, against UVA, UVB. And also remember to bring a hat and scarves!

6. regular skin care

Please give yourself the habit of exfoliation with lactic acid or salicylic one day, then topical cream to take care off. Only need to perform this step steadily for 3 days, you will see results. In addition, you can use mineral oil, olive oil to get a bright skin smooth, energetic.

Can drinking more fish oil, vitamin C, F. Lather in place (red papules in the foot itch stain) one of the ointments containing corticosteroids have strong common activities such as fluocinolon, betamethason acetonid ... Only a very thin layer of lather up stain itching, topical 2-3 times a day and should not obliterate the drug too a week. If there are many scratching the infection extra claims to use antibiotics.

7. Seek help

If you have tried all the ways on which the skin remains without a change, look to the help of a dermatologist, they will have stronger treatments, so you improve your skin in the winter.

Itching is the expression of many different diseases, so radical treatment to your doctor needs to take the examination in dermatology.=



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