Purifying the residue accumulated in the intestine only needs to do this 5 minutes a day

More than 50% of the body's immune system is located in the colon. When the colon is not functioning properly, toxins pass through other pathways (skin, kidney, and breath) causing body odor, darkening skin, pimples, allergies, or bad breath.

The accumulation of residue in the colon also increases the burden on the liver and kidneys. In addition, it makes the circulation in the body irregular, there is a risk of tumor formation and cancer.

If there are signs of rough skin, abdominal pain, or abdominal distention after a long time of defecation, it does not feel like it, or 2-3 days / week without going to the toilet, also means that the colon has sediment.

Toxic substances, residues that accumulate in the colon will prevent the absorption of nutrients and negatively affect intestinal bacteria. Therefore, the purification and elimination of toxic substances is essential. Here are the ways you can apply to clean the colon.

Use pineapple juice, fresh ginger

Prepare materials:

2 liters of pineapple juice squeezed from fresh pineapple

450grams of fresh ginger


- Begin to clean the ginger skin and then chop it well, for the ginger chopped part prepared in the blender, grind it together with pineapple juice.

- Grind for about 5 minutes, then remove all the ginger residue, the rest of the water you can store in the refrigerator and drink slowly during the day.


Each time, you should drink a cup full of about 250ml. If you do not drink all 2 liters of ginger pineapple juice in the day, you still have to supplement your drinking water to provide enough 2 liters of water for your body.

Eat lots of fiber

Foods high in fiber that you should use like butter, berries, coconut, figs, corn, etc. Women from 19 to 25 years of age should take 25g of fiber every day to ensure good waste removal . Meanwhile, men in the same age group need 38g of fiber. After age 50, women need 21g of fiber and men need 30g.

Use plum juice

Plum juice contains a lot of fiber, has a great effect to clean the colon. You should drink about 230ml of plum juice before breakfast and add 230ml after dinner.

When you find yourself going to the toilet more often, you don't need to continue drinking so much plum juice. This helps prevent the colon from becoming dependent on auxiliaries.

Use apple cider vinegar

Apple cider vinegar contains enzymes that support probiotic growth. The natural acid of apple cider vinegar makes it possible to defeat long-term toxic waste in the large intestine.

Mix 2 tablespoons of apple cider vinegar and 2 tablespoons of organic honey into about 230ml of warm water, stir well and drink. Use this drink regularly every morning until you find yourself going to the toilet more often.

Apple juice, ginger, lemon


- ½ cup of 100% pure organic apple juice

- 2 tablespoons of fresh lemon juice

- 1 tablespoon ginger juice

- ½ teaspoon of sea salt

- ½ cup of warm water


- Add about 100 ml of pure water to a warm pot, do not boil

- When the water is warm, pour water into the glass and stir in the sea salt

- Add apple juice, ginger juice and fresh lemon juice to stir

Use this drink in the morning on an empty stomach. Similar to before lunch and again in the middle of the afternoon, use continuously for 1 week to promote the best effect of colon removal.

Regularly exercising

Choose a favorite sport and play moderately, sometimes strengthen your abdominal muscles with movements such as prone stretching, belly cramps . help stimulate intestinal motility, stimulate excretion of residue from body, helps intestinal bacteria to balance and fight intestinal aging.



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