Recipes reduce fatigue while working the afternoon

Often you feel tired in the afternoon, especially around from 2-3 pm. This is the time of the body and the mind is no longer her introspection and full of energy as the morning. Causes of this condition:

The sleep time is not enough: You need enough sleep from 7 to 8 hours every night. If you sleep enough, your body will have enough energy for all activities in the following day.

Diet: the diet is not logical, this key causes you slacking. In the morning you are not eating breakfast or you overeat at lunch will make you more sleepy in the afternoon. The diet depending on each person's body, but there is a general rule to know your sensible diets that is 4 hours after a meal, you will start to feel hungry ....

Some ways to help you cope with feeling tired in the afternoon at work:


You know, the breakfast is the most important meal of the day. But for some reason, you don't notice until you have eaten for breakfast, or skip breakfast. This will affect the energy reserve for the whole day. You select food that has more energy and slow digestion, such as porridge and bread and whole grains and cereals to may no longer be the reserve without much energy for the body.

Choose the affordable lunch menu

Protein-containing foods such as fish, chicken, seafood, tofu has multiple tyrosine help cutting-edge thinking, for the brain awake, therefore you should choose on the menu for lunch. Dark green vegetables contain more fiber (green peppers, spinach ...) help for brain cell has enough oxygen, causing the mind only in the afternoon.

Potatoes contain more starch should not eat lunch, if dinner will have the effect of sedation, sleep help. On the other hand, the afternoon should not eat no food, so no increased risk for falling asleep and yawn in the afternoon.

Discount coffee

This may sound ridiculous, but that coffee can be one of the factors degrade your energy levels. When drinking coffee, maybe you'll feel better in a period immediately after, but tired in the afternoon will only get worse in the long run. Insomnia from coffee will make matters worse! Should switch to regular tea, green tea or chai.

Drinking green tea

Sometimes an amount of caffeine will help you awake. However don't be abusive if you do not want to fall into the feeling of difficulty sleeping at night. Instead of drinking coffee you drink green tea. However, the amount of caffeine but still low enough to awaken the body and the prevention of a number of dangerous diseases.

Short bed

A NAP for about 20 minutes during the lunch hour can help you awake than in the afternoon.

Ear massage

The ear is the point of the organs of the body. Gently massage the ears for a few minutes will help the ear to hear better, brighter eyes and minds also drowsy. You can massage the ear by: rub the ears strong, then grab the Palm press heavily in the ear for about 10 times, which helps the blood circulation.

Wash your face with cold water

Take advantage of the lunch hour to face hygiene, helps the skin to breathe fresh air, at the same time giving a refreshing spirit. You can Pat the cold water side up about 2-3 minutes to help mentally awake.

Drink lemon water

Lemon juice has the effect of making the mind awake. If you see no fresh lemon slices dried lime can mixed with warm water and a little sugar or honey is fine. You will have to get up, wash the Cup, take water and blending ... that process will help you awake part.

According to health experts, the ingredients in lemon works very good memory recovery. You smell lemon, your brain will quickly mobilize and think what to do.

Eat chocolate

If you want the mind awake in seconds then black chocolate is the most effective dose. Black chocolate contains caffeine and antioxidants should have the effect of stimulating the sympathetic nervous arousal and metabolism in the body takes place faster. Accordingly, the brain will feel the irritation and secretion of adrenal hormones, do the mind awake.

Smell the incense

Aroma therapy has been proven to alter the mood, and will help you overcome the drowsiness to awake. The essential oil of Orange, Tangerine is great aromatherapy help you pass the slacking. Therefore, to a few essential oils smell of oranges or fresh lemon rind in a drawer in the room when the at should be aware of

Peppermint oil has a natural smell will make you feel more awake, and is a great way to deal with fatigue in the afternoon. This is also a great way of dealing with colleagues with personal hygiene!=



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