Run out of gold-precious medicinal blood fat and cardiovascular disease for

Statistics show that cardiovascular disease is the leading cause of death, the higher both cancer and very far beyond AIDS. Cardiovascular disease-causing culprit was identified as excess Cholesterol (especially the fat bad LDL c).

Results of research of the National Institute of nutrition shows the percentage of people who have high Cholesterol Vietnam is 29.1%, this rate is 44.3% in urban areas; Middle-aged is 41.7%, seniors to 63.1%.

GSTS Pham Gia Khai-Chairman of Cardiology Vietnam insists that on average for 2 people in urban areas have 1 extra Cholesterol, three elderly people have 2 extra Cholesterol. High Blood Cholesterol leads to a lot of harm to health, especially cardiovascular problems.

As we have seen, high blood fat is very popular and is the leading cause of cardiovascular diseases such as atherosclerosis, hypertension, vascular congestion, cerebral vascular accidents, cardiac arrhythmias, myocardial infarction and. ..

They always are potential pathogens as well as leaving many sequelae, implications for human disease, for the family and for society. The consequences will be very severe if we see light, the lack of information, lack the knowledge necessary to take preventive measures as well as handle early, consistent and timely.

The views across the mainstream of the medical industry and Vietnam in particular and the World Health Organization (WHO) in General is that prevention is better than cure, early cure and healing more positive late and passive.

A worrying thing is the high blood fat not clear expression, most patients are only discovered when accidentally health check or hospitalized due to dangerous consequences due to the disease cause, then the patient's life was threatened, and the cost of treatment is also expensive.

We still don't have the specific medications that are only aimed at two objectives: make the lipoprotein component & plasma Do. Western medicine is often used: + fibrat and the Original lead Nicotinic acid derivatives + substance + ion exchange Resin + agent in blood plasma.

Run out of gold-precious medicinal herbs for high blood fat and cardiovascular disease risk

However, they often have the effect , toxic for the liver, kidneys and other unwanted effects when used. Therefore, the desire to get a safe, effective products is a legitimate requirements of both the physician and the patient.

According to the folk experience as well as recent research shows the use of several herbs available and popular as Technology (Qiang Huang), Lotus (LP), Garlic, barley (circuit 3), red (red rice) Rice, blue collar, Gynostemma Pentaphyllum tablespoons Apple-cat (Hawthorn), calf all North ... for people with high blood fats also brings some certain effects , but also very modest.

Thus making search a tree smoking helps lower blood fat, the effect is still the unspeakable distress for our school of medicine background.

After the trees run out of gold was found and thorough research on the composition as well as pharmacological effects-clinical, good results on the patient.

Long-term, sustainable plan is started from the preservation of the natural medicinal, standardize the cultivation, harvesting (GACP) to apply the technology to extract and manufacture advanced (GMP) brought a valuable choice: "run out of gold-gold solution for high blood fat users".

Medicinal plants you run out of gold to be found?

Beginning in the 1970s, during collection, DR. Liang y Naidu met an old man who says stuff about knives, 1 medicinal plants to help reduce belly fat, the old man said some officers use, reduce belly to go, while his fellow belly but not to but when Ke swelling of limbs, pain, then the user is also out. Tools emphasize is yellow beard-like roots and lobster (run out by Martha beard means lobster).

The following year in the works posted on Science Journal of Pharmacology in the water and in the former Soviet Union, he named is run out of technology, run out of gold (later identified as Dioscorea collettii Hook. f.).

At that, in the former Soviet Union are circulating the herbal therapy is a very effective blood fat Diosponin, Polisponin from Dioscorea caucasica tree and Dioscorea nipponica, is very close to plant the trees run out of gold. Therefore, the research on has been made.

In 1985 at the University of medicine 1-AP-nốp Moscow the thesis about trees run out of gold are PTS defended.

Back to water, the advanced research has been conducted with the collaboration of trying the geriatric Institute Date Khue-GS, PGS. Dr. Nguyen Trung and physician in the free Soviet Friendship, Prof. BV Golden Legends and many others; the result was 12/1995, smoking Diosgin with 100% ingredients from the extracts run out of gold was created, the Research Council of Hanoi UNIVERSITY of Pharmacy reviews excellent.

Clinical use for people who have the disorder of Lipid Metabolism, biochemical tests of 5 targets Lipoproteins in the blood shows all the Lipid are tends to return to normal, very strong down the proportion of the Lipoprotein molecules (LDL-c bad FAT), increase the proportion of high molecular Lipoprotein (good fat HDL-c) , help lower the ratio of CT/HDL c. In particular, the total Cholesterol (CT) in the blood of ~ 100% of patients were reduced.

The study, reviews the chemical composition Saponins as well as pharmacological effects-clinical, solid scientific basis is to unravel the mechanism of action and confirmed the effectiveness of extracts roots that run out of gold.

Pharmacological research shows smoking also regulates heart rhythm, anti-inflammatory and lower blood pressure. In the treatment of trauma and not found any bad effects.

So, after 40 years of research, development and shows the tree of gold run out 3 following therapeutic:

-A is the lower surplus Cholesterol in the blood

-Two is the lower blood pressure for people with high blood pressure

-Three is the fight against arthritis

With the technology to extract and manufacture modern research group University of Hanoi (Dept. of medicinal herbs, traditional medicinal, Pharmaceutical, ...) has RUN OUT of GOLD products 100% herbal with a convenient user form (capsule form and nuggets tan)-Using highly effective in the case of:

1. the fat of blood (blood Cholesterol) high, fatty liver

2. the prevention of cardiovascular disease (atherosclerosis, hypertension, myocardial infarction, stroke, ...)

3. pain of osteoarthritis, rheumatism, obesity.

USAGE: Drink more water with meals and a 300 ml > > 30 minutes to increase the solubility and absorption of herbal essences. Drink in batches of 4 weeks, after every 2-3 days break.


-To achieve high efficiency and long-term sustainability: after the data on the drink maintain. Combined with diet, exercise and living things, science.

-Safe use for people suffering from diabetes and low blood pressure. However should contact number of consultants for advice more.

Preservation: the dry cool Place, avoiding light, far from the reach of children.

Production company: Pharmacy-Pharmaceutical University in Hanoi. Number 13-15 Le Thanh Tong-Hoan Kiem-Hanoi.

TT & PP: Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd the encyclopedia's front.Tel: 04.39727304 04.6674 consulting: 091.9394000  

The research about run out of gold has announced

1. Nguyen Hoang, Le Dinh Flanges, do Minh Ha: Diosgenin in the run out of technology, pharmacology, 2/1983

2. Nguyen Hoang: the study of a number of species of Dioscorea in Vietnam to find source material diosgenin. The thesis Deputy Dr. Pharmacology, USSR, 1985

3. A and d. Muravieva Naidu: Dynamics in Dioscorea collettii diosgenin accumulation Hook. f, Farmasia (LX), number 1, 1986.

4. Nguyen Hoang and HA Van: investigating the tree reserves run out (Dioscorea collettii Hook. f). Scientific research of medicine, 1986.

5. Nguyen Hoang and Flanges: Diosgenin in Dioscorea species in Vietnam. Scientific research of medicine, 1986.

6. Nguyen Hoang, Hoang Tien, Nguyen Minh Thu and Tran Tuyet: some score of pharmaceutical preparations and run out of Diosgin. Summary of the research on Science of the University of Hanoi, 1986-1990.

7. the Legendary Golden and Nair Thu: survey of toxicity of run out of technology. Pharmacology, 2/1991

8. Huang Kim Huyen, Nguyen Minh Thu, Nguyen Hoang and Tran Trung: survey of some pharmacological effects of run out of technology. Pharmacology, no. 5/1991

9. Nguyen Hoang, Nguyen Trung Chinh, Nguyen Minh Huyen, Golden Currency and Nguyen Khac Thuy: identification of the adverse effects of lower high blood lipoprotein component of the Diosgin. Practice medicine magazine, no. 3, 1992.

10. Nguyen Hoang Diosgin Drugs from Dioscorea collettii Hook. f tech run out, the college level research, 1995

11. Yang Minghe (1983), Steroidal sapogenins in Dioscorea collettii, Planta Medica, V. 49, p. 36-42

12. Iguen Hoang (1985), a study of some representatives of the genus Dioscorea l. Flora of Vietnam as a source of diosgenin, the dissertation on competition of a scientific degree of the candidate of pharmaceutical science, c. 128-129




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