Super simple method to no pain in the belly 'that day'

Dysmenorrhea is common in the case of women. When to monthly menstruation cycle, the sisters must face not only the symptoms of back pain, sore breasts, but also must face the abdominal pain is intense, even keeping people were hospitalized.

So, please apply the following simple ways to treat diseases cause discomfort and no small influence to your life, your daily activities during the day.

Drinking water is the easiest way to reduce abdominal pain in the days of "red lights".


Drinking water is the easiest way to reduce abdominal pain, bloating, discomfort in the days of "red lights". The cause of this was in the days of monthly, we lose a lot of water. The drink has just helped replenish water loss, the liberation of new salt and electrolytes in the body, avoid water retention. From that reduces the pain and the discomfort.

For normal, you should drink from 2-2.5 litres of water. However, in the days of red lights, we increase up from 2.5-3 litres of water per day. This not only helps reduce pain but also very good for health.

Avoid strong activity, reduced resistance

During menstruation should avoid the gym, sports must try much.

During menstruation should avoid the gym, sports require exertion. Because of the ease of making powerful impact of menstruation is blocked causing menstrual pain. You just tap the gentle exercise such as walking, cycling, yoga ...

Dark green vegetables

Dark green vegetables, especially spinach, kale and broccoli are very good for the women during the "red lights". They have the ability to help you get rid of abdominal pain, bloating, cramps ... Moreover, it is a source of iron, vitamin supplements and a lot of the necessary substances to the body. So, you should strengthen the vegetables on the menu in "red lights".

Mango, pineapple and banana

This is the kind of result is likely very effective pain relief for women during menstruation. It is not only degrading the abdominal pain but also help relax muscles, reduce bad cramping, bloating, abdominal cut ...

This was due in this fruit contains analgesic substances such as bromelain, the anti-inflammatory, against the development of cancer cells. Besides, it also provides many important vitamins and substances that are beneficial to the body. Thanks to it, we just might reduce the pain, the discomfort of the day "red lights", both very effective body care.

Grains and nuts

During "red lights", we are losing a significant amount of blood. Therefore, you should supplement magnesium and iron through the nuts and whole grains. They not only have the effect of adding the necessary substances to the body but also contributed to pushing away the pain during this time.

In particular, the nuts such as pumpkin seeds, sunflower and sesame seeds have a very good effect in reducing pain for XX. The seeds contain a high zinc content, so it is very effective in relieving symptoms of abdominal pain in the days of menstruation. However, to ensure safety, the you should buy seeds of self-roasting roasted grain instead of buying available!

Please keep the sealed always dry, clean

These days "she" needs to be more careful care.

The days of "red lights" is sealed at the need to be the most clean, if not much, the types of infections disease Gynecology is also easy to grow. Therefore, to reduce the menstrual pain to bear, the inventory on this "girl" should be more careful, care must always guarantee clean, dry and breathable.

Also, keep the "closed zone" are always dry, clean is the leading gynaecological disease potential.=



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