Surprise with the use of technology of celery diseases treatment

Celery is used for processing vegetable dish delicious variety should be planted widely around the world, especially in the climate of tropical and temperate Asia. Celery is rich in medicinal plants, also the computer should be used as medicine and cure many diseases especially in the treatment of high blood pressure and helps lower cholesterol.

Surprise with the treatment of diseases of celery encyclopedia.

Against cancer

The compounds in celery as polyacetylene and helps to eliminate the phthalide compounds born cancer. Coumarin help prevent the damage in the cells caused by free radicals. Acetylenics prevent the growth of tumors. phenolic acid has the ability to lock the operation of prostaglandins (which was the stimulus for the development of the cells in the tumor). Thanks for that, will prevent the development of tumors.

Treating high blood pressure

Celery contains calcium, iron, phosphorus, rich protide (double in comparison with the other vegetables), many of the free amino acid, essential oil, mannitol, inositol, vitamins, helps to increase appetite, promote blood circulation, enhances immunity and brain tonic.

In the celery contains natural chemicals apigenin help prevent symptoms of high blood pressure and help expand the circuit. Many studies have proven the vegetables should have the effect of lowering blood pressure visibly the maintenance time, depending on the dosage and more or less on each object.

Cure high blood fat: celery and Apple offer excellent drinking water daily black instead of tea water. After a month the amount of fat in the blood will decrease remarkably. On the other hand thanks in celery with magnesium and iron high, should drink vegetable juice and carrots every day, very effective in the treatment of anemia, Hodgkin's disease, hemorrhagic syndrome.

The disorders of the blood

Celery has high iron and magnesium content, should drink vegetable juice need and càrốt every day, very effective in the treatment of anemia, Hodgkin's disease, hemorrhagic syndrome.

Respiratory diseases

Celery seed has the effect of relieving spasm should be used to cure asthma, bronchitis, pleurisy and tuberculosis of the lungs.


The amount of alkali compounds in celery used help those are insomnia can sleep. This mineral make calming nervous system, reduce stress and anxiety.

Help for healthy bones

This is spice vegetable source of vitamin K, along with lots of calcium and ma-Jesus-very helpful for the process of creating the bones and helps the joints stay healthy. Celery also contains anti-inflammatory substances, a polyacetylene, which likely reduces swelling and pain around the joints.


Concentrations of potassium and sodium in the celery will be responsible about the capabilities help diuretic. They stimulate the body to produce urine and adjust the amount of liquid in the body by removing excess water.


From the ancient, celery has been used as a laxative. They soothe the nerves which have excessive activity by types of laxatives. Thanks for that, do light symptoms of constipation in a natural way.=



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