The ability to cure cancer miracle of tomatoes

News from the BBC said, tomatoes may help reduce the risk of cancer of the prostate. According to a British study, men eat enough tomato amounts of downloads can reduce the risk of prostate cancer by about 20%. Prostate cancer is the cancer easily met Monday in men, with 35 thousand American patients and about 10 thousand deaths each year in the uk.

"Our research shows that tomatoes an important role contributing to preventing prostate cancer. However, other studies need to be conducted to confirm the findings of this research. Men should eat a lot of vegetables each day to have a good health, "Vanessa comes from the University of Bristol said.

Tomatoes may help prevent prostate cancer

The cancer-fighting ingredient in tomatoes are said to include lycopene, an antioxidant that can combat the destruction of cells and DNA. There are also a number of other elements such as selenium (available in breads, pasta, ...) and calcium (milk, cheese) also reduces the risk of prostate cancer.

"The information the foods rich in lycopene or selenium may reduce the risk of prostate cancer or not has yet to be verified. The relationship between diet and cancer prevention is a complex issue, yet have a clear answer. However, we encourage every person should have a balanced diet, with plenty of vegetables, fruits and less red meats, salt and fat, "Tom Stansfeld coming from the Centre of cancer research Uk said.=



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