The amazing benefits of pears

To reduce the risk of heart disease

A study published in 2007 in the journal of clinical nutrition of America said, women who have the habit of eating a lot of fruits, especially fruits contain flavonoids (yellow or blue pigments created) such as PEAR, Apple, it will reduce the risk of heart disease. Researchers have shown that the fruit has green and yellow pigments (including pear) will do assuming the risk of dying from cardiovascular disease, especially in women who have menopause.

Reduce the risk of stroke

Effect of fiber is to support the digestive system to function normally. A study published in the journal of the American Heart Association shows that, if enhanced 7 g of fiber in the diet, the risk facing the first stroke in your life will decrease by about 7%. A PEAR to will provide approximately 8-10 g fiber.

Strengthen the immune system

Flavonoids have in Chile is an oxidizing agent that can help strengthen the immune system. If you feel symptoms of flu, try eating a PEAR or a drink of water. This would be very helpful to you.

Energy booster

Eating a PEAR can be a smart choice when the body showing signs of fatigue or weakness because they help absorb glucose and convert into energy for the body to function.

Reduced risk of colon disease

PEAR contains a non-trivial amount of vitamin C-powerful antioxidants help the body to fight the cancer. In particular, the fiber content in Chile also has the effect of reducing the risk of colon cancer.

Reduce risk of diabetes

A research result was published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition showed that the consumption of these fruits contain high in anthocyanin helps reduce the risk of diabetes 2 tube. The list of fruits with abundant anthocyanin compounds include PEAR, Apple and blueberry. Chile also has a low glycemic index, help keep blood sugar stable always. When eating, you should not trim remove the casing, because most of the nutrients are in the shell of this fruit.

Reduce the risk of cancer

High fiber content in PEAR can help pretty much glued the secondary bile acids. The presence of these compounds-which is always in the gut – can increase the risk of colon cancer and other intestinal troubles. Chile and some other fruits also have the effect of reducing the risk of cancer of the stomach.

Bone support

Chile is one of the few fruits containing many minerals boron. This is the role micronutrients minerals regulate the absorption and distribution of the maximum amount of minerals. They help the body absorb calcium should boron is essential for the "health" of bones. If the boron deficiency, the body will hard to synthesize minerals like phosphorus, magnesium ... They will be eliminated through the urine. Meanwhile, bones, osteoporosis and fracture-prone, the joints are prone to calcification.

Beat the radicals

Vitamin C is abundant in Chile will help defeat the radicals, protect the cells, preventing aging skin condition and keep the body healthy.


It is a dose reduced fever because of its effect of cooling and heat for the body. So, if you or a family member has a fever, the best way to lower the temperature quickly is to drink a glass of PEAR juice.

Help lose weight

Science has proven, a medium PEAR provides only about 100 calories, rather less than the fruits have a sweet taste. In addition, Chile also has abundant source of vitamin C, good for a woman's body, especially the skin.

But the main weight loss effects of PEAR is located in fiber intake of it. A medium PEAR has 5 g of fiber, equal to 1/4 the amount of fiber the body needs in one day.

Fiber in PEAR foam will quickly be filled stomach and feeling no will help limit your desire to eat more of the foods.

Note When buying and preserving Chile

-You should select those dark PEAR but not too hard. Attention Le shell is smooth, no bruises or fuse.

-To the PEAR ripens faster, you can store them at room temperature for a few days to help soften and ripe pear.

-If you cannot consume promptly left Chile immediately after the nine, you can store them in the refrigerator for a few days because Chile could still fresh in all the time.=



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