The Conference Technical Committee of the international Codex food hygiene

Attend this year's CCFH46 has 180 participants representing 58 countries and 1 International Organization Codex members, FAO, WHO and 13 international organizations and other observers. Codex Committee representation Vietnam Vietnam, Ministry of health attended the meeting.

The Conference Technical Committee of the international Codex food hygiene.

Mr. Anibal Velasques Valdivia-Minister of health of Peru has opening remarks and Mr. Brian a. Nichols-u.s. Ambassador in Peru was welcome to the Conference. Dr. Emilio Esteban-President of the CCFH and Ms. Monica Saavedra Chumbe has co-hosted the agenda of the five-day Conference.

The Conference discussed a number of issues related to the meeting of the General Assembly of the WHO, FAO, 37 Codex, OIE and some of the Technical Committee on the Codex include: tracking the Codex strategic plan 2014-2020; standardized food hygiene section in some Codex standards for meat.

The Conference spent much time discussing, repairs to complete 2 draft: Guide to control the types of parasites in meat spread to person: species twisted worms (Trichinella spirallis) and legal practice for food that has low humidity. Unified process 46 CCFH 2 draft on up Codex General Assembly Conference (CAC) to through the last step (step 8).

After considering carefully the draft Guide and control the species Salmonella in meat and poultry due to the United States and Denmark, host and preliminary application of the General principles of food hygiene to control parasites in foods by Japan and Canada, CCFH46 said that the draft have to improve more on the structure and scientific information. So the CCFH46 agreed to put this draft 2 of step 2 to rebuild before the Codex secretariat to submit comments please in step 3.

Vietnam representative had presented the views advocated by Thailand, the United States and some other countries is the need to propose new work on the control of the legal review of practice for fresh vegetables rather than merely corrected and changed the main part as well as the annex of the rules as France and Brazil suggested. CCFH46 agreed is to propose new work for this content.

The Conference also agreed that new work will proceed is specifically reviewed The General principles of food hygiene, electronic working group established by France and Thailand host to suggest the necessary changes especially needs updated annex on HACCP.

47th CCFH Conference provisionally agreed will held in the city of Boston, Massachusetts, United States from 9-13/11/2015.=



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