The cure of diseases of egg white Cypress

The miraculous healing of the egg white.

Rich in protein

An egg white contains 15 calories, protein, and less 4gr 1gr carbohydrates and fat, while an egg contains 78 calories, 6 g protein, fat, and less ・ 1gr carbohydrates. Most of the fat and calories are contained in the yolk, so if you want to lose weight and build muscle, only eat egg whites will better eat the whole egg.

Contains more calcium good for women

Benefits from egg white for women as it contains large amounts of calcium. Women need more calcium strong bones and to help prevent osteoarthritis.

Acne treatment

Get the peeled almonds and spicy interplay, mix well with the egg white. In the evening before bed use rose water facial wipe then apply all over the face, the next morning wake up, wash with warm water and wipe dry again with rose water. Here's How to treat acne with chicken egg wrap effect that you can apply.

Prevent cancer

Contains egg white protein intake on par with the yolk and absolutely does not contain fat or cholesterol. Eating egg whites help to complement many types of nutrients good health, many good calcium for bones, good for men's reproductive health, cancer prevention, ...

Selenium contained in albumin in egg white, help protect the body from cancerdisease. It is especially effective against prostate cancer, a disease that affects males.

Help sleep

In the egg contains a significant amount of choline. Studies show that choline helps regulate sleep, great for people with insomnia.=



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