The extreme dirty utensils harm health but you don't know


Extremely dirty things that you always touch the daily.

Use money to do a daily exchange of media is also the way to arms you accumulate more bacteria from person to person. A study has discovered that, a Euro currency that can accommodate 135,000 bacteria on it and for other kinds of money that number about 125,000 bacteria.

While you cannot avoid having to hold money, try holding it in hand as little time as possible. Please wash your hands immediately after using the money. Don't let your child play with money or shut up money in their mouths, as they can make your children sick due to bacteria infection.

The kitchen sink

The kitchen sink is the second location contains many bacteria, and washing is number one. Bacteria from the unprocessed food to thrive in your home washes, so you must clean the sink with antiseptic cleanser every day. You should also wash the pieces in a bowl of steaming microwave for about two minutes each day to remove harmful bacteria hidden within it.

Door handles

Whether you're at home, the Office or at any other place, the door handles is Lair contains germs. They are often less dusty so you don't realize this is what needs to be cleaned. But in fact, there are many people touch the door handles each day and leave bacteria on it.

Make sure that the ones in your family always kept clean hands frequently, and try to avoid touching door handles in public places, especially in the public restroom. Instead of using both hands to grab door handles, let's take a little in hand, waiting to tail. or room up at the top of the hand grip to limit the possibility of bacterial infection from door knobs.

The light switch

Like door handles and the other buttons, the light switch also is rarely clean. In fact, on the light switch contains a lot of bacteria and they accumulate slowly over the years, especially in offices and public places.

The bathroom

The bathroom is where a lot of parasitic bacteria.

The bathroom is where a lot of parasitic bacteria. At any time, you also have the risk of intestinal bacterial infection or respiratory tract. Usually you susceptible bacteria e. coli on the door handles and the pear-shaped insects in sinks, faucets.

Press the button on the door handles are also often stick papillomavirus, warts and other viruses Staphylococcus aureus. If you are hand-scratched or hurt, it's very susceptible to Dermatitis, eczema and other skin diseases. Bathroom brush with detergent to remove germs, then rinse with clear water.

Or you can also use ammonia mixed with water to clean the walls, floor and shower bath. Always dry after a shower wall to help prevent the growth of mold. In the bathroom you should use hand-washing sterilizing water to ensure clean.=



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