The food people red eye pain 'prohibited' eat

Anyone can get sick of pain red eye or conjunctivitis patients, it spreads rapidly and easily play into the room so when someone infected which is in the crowded community as public, schools, hospitals, public places densely populated East should stay at home to avoid spreading to surrounding communities.

Food spices spicy hot when red eye pain

According to Oriental medicine, red eyes due to pain can heat style. So the patient should abstain the spices spicy, hot pepper, chili pepper, such as garlic, onion, ... The marinade will cause a burning sensation to the eyes or red status.

Eat fishy diets when pain red eyes

Red eye pain who need diets eat fishy food in time of illness.

Folk concept suppose fishy dishes, such as fish, squid, shrimp, crabs .... can adverse impact on the status of conjunctivitis, making red eye pain and more serious and more heavily. Therefore, the red eye pain needs food fishy food in time of illness.

Animal fat

Animal fats contain more fat, not what is not good for the eyes when using many but also not good for the heart, brain, blood or the process of metabolism, so you should use the grease plant more.

Indiscriminate use of antibiotics also sticks out so much harm to the body, if when no initial allergy testing can lead to ulcers of the mouth, skin, cornea ...

Need to avoid


Tobacco is one of the most toxic stimulant to the human body. Nicotine effects on the nervous system, reduces the ability to regulate and clear view of the eye. Especially long-lasting harmful cigarette, if not removed will cause more dangerous than the disease.


Research has shown that drinking alcohol can reduce visibility, reduce the ability to recognize acumen of eye down significantly. In addition to alcohol also makes the red eye condition becomes serious.

When pain red eyes, sick people should also pay attention to the daily nutrition to increase body resistance.

When pain red eyes, sick people should also pay attention to the daily nutrition to increase body resistance. In addition to the General need for additional vitamins such as A, B, C, D ... other foods such as spinach, vegetables, carrots, potatoes, sweet potatoes... also very good for those who are suffering pain red eyes because they are rich in carotene benta prefixes will convert into vitamin A which helps bright eyes, healthy.

In particular, when sick, the addition of vitamin C to timeliness is of utmost importance. Vitamin C has the effect of increasing the body's resistance against disease.

The body needs relatively large amounts of vitamin c. strawberries, almonds are the foods rich in this vitamin, just khoảng60g almonds each day can provide the necessary vitamin intake relative. But if you move with the almonds, supplemented by other food.

Avoid being affected by air pollution

Air pollution is one of the causes that lead to cancer of the palate, such as inhalation of toxic gas in the air will easily nasopharynx cancer.=



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