The food 'resolution' for the intestinal


The fungus effectively detoxify clear. Such as fungi cat, white fungus (Tremella fuciformis), braised mushrooms ... Mushrooms are rich in selenium, so eat regularly can lower blood pressure, lower cholesterol, prevent the hardening of the arteries, improve immune function, stimulates hematopoietic bone marrow, blood purification, detoxification of the intestinal tract.

More pigs

Liquid protein quality in pigs when in the stomach will be resolved and form a substance having the effect of laxative and detoxifying. This adhesion to the substrates into the intestine, reacts with the metal toxins and excreted out.

Green beans

Green beans taste sweet, computer cool should be considered food may stick to the thermal effect, detoxification, pushing hot. In the green beans still have lower fat ingredients in effective blood, contains more potassium, low sodium helps the body against arteriosclerosis symptoms and high blood pressure.

It helps the process of metabolism take place smoothly, which can be easily wiped out the colon of toxins in the body, protects the liver and detoxification.

The red line

Red sugar containing molasses, ingredients work to detoxify, can lead to export excess melanin through foot class packages, and then excreted the lymphatic tissue on the body, prevent the born into melanin from the top of the source.

In addition, the red line also contains ingredients such as carotene, riboflavin, niacin, amino acids, glucose ... have potent antioxidant effects and editing for cells, can make the subcutaneous cells grow quickly after detoxification.

The fruit butter

The amount of omega-3 oil in fruit butter help clean the intestinal tract. Omega-3 oil that acts as a lubricant for the intestine and remove all the toxins and waste of food.


Kelp help treat atherosclerosis, prevents the body absorbing heavy metals such as cadmium, lead, and eliminate radioactive elements from the body. Due to the high humidity in the gut so high after the seaweed on the body can form a colloidal, helps eliminate toxins in the intestines out of the body.

Sweet potatoes

Sweet potatoes are a food rich in vitamin E, B vitamins, carotene, cellulose so it can remove cholesterol as well as overcome constipation, cancer prevention.

Fiber in sweet potatoes after on the intestine can clean the waste in the intestines, toxins and Poisons integrated excreted out smoothly.


The old honey is now the best nutritional detoxification type very well, contains many essential amino acids and vitamins. Eat honey out of waste toxins. In honey contains quite a lot of sugars, will save water in the intestines to be absorbed into the body, the colon cleanse detoxification, especially when you are hungry.

When an empty stomach that honey, the intestines will need the fastest action, so you should draw the honey into the water slightly warm water to drink, too hot and too cold will damage the nutritional structure of honey.

Tremella fuciformis

Ear contains colloidal plants fairly strong Binder, can absorb the impurities are also saved in the digestive system of the body.

Ear is also the kind of toxic waste colon cleansing food very good, moreover is again sort of met water, swells, so will bring more water than the gut. Song, with people suffering from constipation, if ear food will cause more difficult in the matter.


Fruits high in C is very effective in cleaning the intestine, especially the lemon. Drink a glass of lemon water in the morning helps cleanse and detoxify the body.

Fresh vegetable and fruit juice

Fresh fruit juice or vegetable juice when fresh into the body will increase the alkalinity of the blood. Whereby the blood can dissolve toxins in the cells and waste out of the body by excretion.

To the waste body remove toxins, you can squeeze 3 carrot with a beet tops with beet and cucumber. The sweetness from the carrots and beets make delicious and refreshing and will help eliminate toxins out of the system.=



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