The great and unexpected cure of watercress vegetables

Watercress is quite a lot of people know vegetables because it's very delicious, the processing was much food and good for health. Few people know that, Cress is also a kind of safe vegetables for by growth, livable watercress fast should need very little pesticides, fertilizers, ... versus the amount of pesticide or fertilizer crisis if planting Brassica, tomato or other vegetables in the same area.

Results analysis of the chemical components in 100 g vegetables watercress (part used to eat) have 93g water, protein, fat-2 g 1.7 0.2-0, gluxit 3-4 g, 3 g, 0.8-1 g fiber, vitamins A, B1, B2, C and many other minerals. In particular, the amount of iodine and calcium in canned vegetables watercress is very high as 20-30mg/100 g calcium and vitamin C 40-50 mg/100 g.

Thanks in vegetables high in vitamin C containing watercress, vitamine A, B1, B2 should have helped protect the health, antioxidant, anti toxic, increases body resistance, fighting against the phenomenon of ageing pathologies, preserving the strokes.

Amazing healing uses of vegetables and watercress.

Don't forget to add to your family's menu this vegetable because of the following benefits:

Against cancer

According to research published recently in the journal of The British Journal of Nutrition (uk), eat about 100 g of watercress every day can prevent breast cancer and reduce the risk of cancer in General. According to DR. Nicholas Perricone, watercress contains more vitamin C, B1, B6, K, E, calcium, iron, magnesium, manganese, zinc and potassium than broccoli, apples and tomatoes.

Iodine supplements

One day eat about 10-15 g watercress is able to ensure sufficient amount of iodine, which helps the body fight the disease rickets, obesity, skin disease, hardening of the arteries in the elderly.

In 100 g watercress, vegetable proteins constitute 1.7-2 g, fat 0.2-0, gluxit 3-4 g, 3 g, 0.8-1 g fiber, vitamins A, B1, B2, C and many other minerals. In particular, the amount of iodine in the watercress vegetables very high 20-30mg/100 g.

Cooling effect

In the dry season hanh, many summer heat disease benefit, the tongue, the lips, in the nasal cavity have pimples, just Cook the vegetable soup watercress has the effect of cooling very effectively.

Treat diabetes

Take watercress, radish, celery, cabbage, carrot, shiso, everything about 10 g crushed or pressed to retire take on drinking 1 cup of juice.

Heat cure tooth bleeding due to tongue, gingivitis

200 g watercress, washed cooked with carrots, cooked with 400 ml 100 ml, also drink or shut up. Make this drug until the heat was no longer bleeding tongue and fangs.

Note when eating watercress:

-Salad watercress also quite tasty and good, however not good for her vote this time because you need to eat, to drink the boiling.

-Because vegetables taste salty should your attention seasoning, avoid to soup was salty!

-Do not eat with seafood: watercress contains more vitamin C, when combined with the live seafood deep water as shrimp, scallop, steel trap which contains so much Arsenic oxidation 5. It will transform the substance produces a toxic chemicals harmful to the body.

-Don't eat too much: any what foods should not be abused. Watercress has a diuretic effect, therefore she elected to eat more will not be good, because it can cause dehydration. There are many other delicious and nutritious vegetables, so please change to have a varied menu and reasonable.=



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