The great use of Strawberry

Strengthen the immune system

Strawberries are an excellent source of vitamin C. A cup of strawberries contains 51, 5 mg vitamin C, about ½ of the body's daily needs. So, with only two cups of strawberries, you already have enough 100% the amount of vitamin C as required. Vitamin C is likely immune booster is also a powerful antioxidant.

A study of University of California, Los Angeles, United States of America in 2010 have discovered that the antioxidant ability of strawberries will become available about the biology and ready for action in the blood after eating fruits in just a few weeks.

Eye protection

The antioxidant properties in strawberries may help prevent cataract disease-glass situation be bullshit and can lead to blindness in older people. The eyes need vitamin C to protect them from exposure to free radicals from the harsh UV of the Sun, which can cause damage to proteins in the bone marrow. Vitamin C also plays an important role in strengthening the cornea and the retina of the eye.

However, the use of vitamin C in high doses is said can increase the risk of cataract disease in these women over the age of 65. Researchers at the Karolinska Institute in Stockholm, Sweden warned that the danger comes from the use of vitamin C supplements rather than drugs not related to sources of vitamin C due to the fruits and vegetables give your body.

Prevent wrinkles

The ability of vitamin C in the strawberry is also expressed in their essential role in the production of collagen, helping to improve the elasticity and the elasticity of the skin. The amount of collagen will fades away when we have years, therefore, the consumption of foods rich in vitamin C can help your skin healthy and youthful. Vitamin C is not the only factor in the strawberries have the ability to beat wrinkles naturally.

The researchers of Hallym University, South Korea concluded that ellagic acid has the ability to prevent the destruction of collagen and anti inflammatory very clearly. This is the two main factors in the development of wrinkles on human skin cells after continuous exposure and skin damaged by ultraviolet UVB RAYS.

Cancer prevention

Vitamin C is one of the antioxidants can help prevent cancer because of the healthy of the Crown room is the most solid defensive to protect the body before the attack of all the disease. A chemical from a plant called ellagic acid contained in strawberries can also prevent cancer. Ellagic acid has been shown to have anticancer uses by tame the growth of cancer cells.

Strawberries are also antioxidants lutein and zeathacins is. The main antioxidant is the warrior to destroy free radicals and neutralize the negative effects are likely to occur in the cells in the body. The term radical refers to damaged cells capable of weakening the other cells around them in the recovery effort. This causes the abnormal cells and is the premise that cause cancer.

Defeat the harmful cholesterol

According to the report of heart and Stroke Foundation of Canada, heart disease is one of the leading cause of death among women in this country. Fortunately in the strawberry also contains the strong support for the health of the heart. Ellagic acid and flavonoids or other chemicals from plants can bring to the antioxidant capabilities are very helpful for the health of the heart in many ways.

One way that is against the effects of the harmful LDL cholesterol in the blood, which is the cause of the accumulation of plaque in the arteries. The second way is that they bring to the effects anti-inflammatory, very good for the heart.

Researchers in the Center for the study of nutrition and the transformation of dangerous factors in Toronto, Canada has focused on the impact of strawberries in a nutrition has less cholesterol and concluded that: the enhancement Add strawberries and diet will help to reduce the damage of oxidation due to the cause as well as to lower fat intake in the blood. Both factors are the cause of heart disease and diabetes.

Weight control

Maintain a strong work weight is one of the best measures to prevent diabetes and heart disease. Strawberries, which contains a very low calorie (only around 28Kcalo in each cup), no fat, sodium and sugar containing at least again.

In strawberries do not contain natural sugars, although the total amount of sugar per serving almost in a very low level, about 4 g. The total amount of carbohydrates is located at levels equivalent to or lower than 1/2 slices sandwich bread.

How to pick strawberries

A strawberry will not continue to ripen after picking down should you avoid picking the strawberry with white spots or green spots. You select the red berries that do not claim or soft drug. A delicious Strawberry fruit to fresh, and have a heart shape, berries, stalks and remain in the Green radio station.

You should also select the strawberry was picked right time because if the old Strawberry will probably be dry and empty the bowels. When purchasing strawberries in baskets, baskets of fruit, you should avoid selecting the strawberry, dirty old or has been bruising.

Strawberries can be stored in refrigerator up to 3 days. When stored, should keep the strawberries in a balloon or bag to it on a paper towel while waiting for foodprocessing. Never let the strawberries at room temperature or in direct sunlight for too long because this will make them spoiled quickly.=



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