The safe way of reducing blood sugar

(Cure) - the number of people with diabetes tend to rise quickly in Vietnam. Estimated, the incidence of this disease in round 10 years has increased from 2.7% to 5.7% of the population of diabetes. Meanwhile around the world, for 15 years, the rate of new diabetes doubled.

Diabetics increase dizziness

The dietitian emphasized that, currently, with the incidence of diabetes increased from 8-20% a year, Vietnam is the country with the speed of development of diabetes mellitus is the fastest in the world. A recent study of hospital Endocrinology also shows, the country currently has about 5 million people with diabetes (about 6% of the population) and will increase to 8 million people by 2025. Whereas in 2001, the number of people with this disease accounted for only 2.7% of the population. Here are the numbers speak, the alarm status of the disease is increasing.

The disease is characterized by chronic blood sugar increase along with metabolic disorders carbonhydrat (sugar), lipids (FAT), protein (protein) due to lack of available with or without insuline resistance insuline with different levels.

According to the doctor, causing the rate of diabetes is increased due to the change of lifestyle, led to a change in nutrition. In particular the structure of meals change with ratio of proteins, lipids increasingly prevails; green vegetables and minerals more and less.

Besides, more and more people have less static, lifestyle physical activity due to the use of motor vehicles instead of physical activity in the activities and work. The combination of nutrition imbalance and less physical activity is the cause leading to a series of factors, pathogenesis of diabetes mellitus and metabolic syndrome. Meanwhile, the people's basic knowledge about diabetes is still limited.

According to statistics of the Central Endocrinology hospital, only 0.5% of people having good knowledge of diabetes, more than 75% have very little knowledge about the disease. Many people do not even know its infected or just happen to know when treating other diseases. That leads to the majority of patients usually take the examination and treatment when it was late, there are severe complications such as myocardial infarction, sudden, peripheral nerve damage, eye, kidney ... and can lead to death.

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Beginning in 2013, in one go, NGO van Viet blood test (Mai-Mai-Hoang Mai, Hanoi) known glycemic index at hungry is 150 mg/dl (when safe blood sugar levels of the American Diabetes Association is 90-130mg/dl). "Worried with the glycemic index has crossed the threshold, my daughter has bought Complete Line Thing of Isay of drinking for me. Only after more than 20 days of using this product, the results of a blood test showed my blood sugar index has fallen about safety levels. After drinking the sugar Thing, I no longer feel tired, headache, urinating more ... as before so very safe to use. What my old friend with diabetes is also very excited when treated with Complete Line Thing, I myself still use this Complete Line according to whether insulin balance and maintenance according to the manufacturer's instructions "-Free fun to know.

2011 Mrs. Nguyen Thi Praise (Local Spring-TU Liem-Hanoi) was organized for the hospital periodically, unfortunately discovered with diabetes type II, "after a period of treatment with diabetes treatment drugs on the market but does not reduce the risk of disease, and the increasingly heavy development phenomenon, weight loss, fatigue, thirst and urination, or dizziness ... increasingly, when are you in pharmacy referrals and purchase Complete Sugar Thing products help to try, after more than 20 days of use, tests and re-examination I was the doctor said my disease has tended to remission and maintaining stable blood sugar levels , the trusted, recommended products Complete Line regularly according to whether the process of maintaining insulin balance, should I still use the product daily and gives very good results ".

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According to experts, this Way the Complete stimulates secretion, increases sensitivity of target tissues to insulin, maintain stable blood sugar levels; help limit the complications caused by diabetes, such as hardening of the arteries, stroke, cataracts, vision, decreased sensation, numbness in two genera, improves blood vessel function. At the same time, adjust the Lipid Metabolism Disorders (Cholesteron) and do the immune booster, helps improve the symptoms such as weight loss, fatigue, thirst and urination, or dizziness.

Insulin is a hormone produced by the pancreas, has the effect of reducing the amount of sugar in the blood, through the introduction of glucose into cells to provide energy to every cell in the body active. Blood sugar is tightly controlled by insulin. In the normal person, when blood glucose increase (for example, after eating), insulin will be secreted from the pancreas to take blood glucose levels return to normal. With the patients of diabetes, insulin deficiency, insulin or have but ineffective operation will cause hyperglycemia exceeds the threshold.

In What Way has the taste of local drug-containing used effectively in the treatment of diabetes. Y van specify location, have the effect of lowering blood sugar, Hypoglycemia is active the iridoid glycosid A, B, C and D also has the effect of slowing the development of complications in the glass eyes and chiseled can reduce the symptoms of peripheral neuropathy in patients with diabetes. B. venue used in coordination with the other ingredients in the traditional medicine such as Tianmen, Century, Sand flat, Natural flower pollen, ginseng, Hoang Sa States will ... exert markedly effective in curing diabetes.

Me Linh pharmaceutical co. did research, combined with science and modern technology, manufactures Complete Line Thing successful, clinical use, reviews and good results for patients with diabetes. Products are manufactured in the form of blue capsules have characteristic smell of medicinal herbs, easy to drink for all the objects.

In particular, the complete Line Thing works better when to drink 30 minutes before meals, drink 6-day split in 2 times. When maintaining blood sugar levels stable, the patient can still drink to maintain health, insulin balance according to whether the process without compromising your health with the documentation to support and maintain the health, insulin balance, taking 3 tablets per day, to drink in the morning daily 09 h.

For more detailed information about the product, inviting readers to contact the phone consultation: 043 997 5372, 0936 932 234.





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