The stomach pain from erroneous nature

Stomach pain (stomach) is a relatively common disease in the community and how life is now. In many folk medicine or cure common disease be finish and easy to relapse.

However, the drug is not rustic post "ladder" would also correct treatment of diseases that have the drug article being ... lost, even dangerous when this disease that pain pill!

Here are a few concept confusion about smoking when curing the stomach through the guidance, answered by DS Le Kim Phung, HO CHI MINH CITY medicine and pharmacy University Faculty. HCM.

1. People often say black art (powdered) mixed with honey cure inflammation, ulcers or stomach than technology gold, right? Black gold and turmeric powder to cure stomach any more or?

+ Gold Technology effects against stomach ulcers, reducing more room and thanks to the essential oils, alkaline technology should help reduce the level of acid, turmeric yellow also has anti-inflammatory effects and to heal ulcers should be shared or folk with honey to cure stomach ulcers caused by excess room. Honey also has sedating effects avoid irritation in the stomach.

-Black Lagoon stasis effects Technology goal area of strength should not be used for pregnant women, use black turmeric cure closing menstruation, irregular menstruation, menstrual cramps, indigestion dining, full abdomen, vomiting.

2. decent conversation Trees have cure stomach ailments? If yes then should use?

Plastic from Aloe Vera (Portuguese checkers) has the effect of stimulating the digestive, laxative, cleansing enema, treat constipation, it helps to inhibit pepsin enzymes and hydrochloric acid not to secrete more gastric ulcers cause. Every day about 10 g fresh leaves, Peel, retrieved a plastic layer in water and then boiled in the drink.

3. cabbage juice has cured the stomach? He said drinking water 1/2 cup cabbage juice every morning and before bed, markedly reduced disease, right?

Right, because in the cabbage contains vitamin U (ulcer) have effects against stomach ulcers.

4. help sugarcane digestible? Use the cane juice, grape wine one glass, mix well, drink the day twice in the morning and evening to cure stomach pain, right?

No, because wine is not suitable for people with stomach pain, drinking water with a lot of sugar cane as easily cause fermentation phenomenon causes no bloating vapor and not good for the stomach.

5. Take the old pit banana chopped thin, dried in the shade and then scatter the flour. Day drinking three times before every meal, every time two TSP of banana powder drink with hot water. Use many consecutive days of stomach pain will out?

In India, green banana is used to treat stomach ulcers. Just use the banana green porcelain, no bananas granular, dry in low heat then bring powdered, use ripe bananas dot into the dough and then eaten or mixed drink, bananas have the effect of stimulating the growth of the mucous membrane lining the inside of the stomach mucous membrane that makes up the thick, and heal the sores. Every day in the diet a little flour banana will avoid stomach ulcers.

6. Clean the stomach and then for Lotus seed sealed stitching, bring the casserole into root, then remove only, blending more spices and then eat to cure stomach?

Pork stomach diarrhea cure dysentery cam area. Cure kidney damage people, weak stomach people move leads to the common tunnel liquid pepper Lotus seed (dose of about 10 g is possible).

7. He said: Taking the stomach porcupines (also containing food inside) bring exposure or dried and finely powdered rice with water, drink, drinking every day 10 g at the hunger to cure stomach pain? True?

Urchins of the stomach (don't need longer food inside) used to cure flatulence bloating eating indigestible.

8. Eat bananas for banana is green pepper, at an empty stomach can cause high fullness, indigestion, especially in people who have had gastric inflammatory disease but eating bananas like old bananas, banana cau ... select ripe bananas when no then it has the effect of protecting the stomach do neutralize stomach acid? True?

Very wrong if you are hungry you eat a banana and drink a cup of water. In the banana pepper contains many Mg, when it will do the amount of Mg as high, losing the balance between Ca and Mg in the blood, which causes the risk of cardiovascular diseases. Should eat in the manner presented on to combat stomach pain.

9. Using the result of dry powder, spreads, Star supplement every day to drink 2-3 times, each time 2-3 teaspoons or eat 3-5 results of sung nine each day to relieve the stomach, right or wrong?

Just use the extra plastic curing skin diseases such as scabies sores boils, nails, facial palsy, headache relief, collage, women were off beam milk ...

10. Use the tea cure stomach related ailments such as belching, burning epigastric pain, belching ... Tea also cleanses the twisted bacteria Helicobarter Pylori (HP) living in the lining of the stomach and cause gastric ulcer, duodenum? True?

Tea contains an active ingredient is flavonoids have anti-inflammatory effects should have the effect of reducing the inflammation of the lining of the stomach, a further effect of tea with patients of stomach ulcers-action of the duodenum is cleaning bacteria HP (Helicobarter Pylori), this is the kind of downward spiral bacteria, living on the mucous layer of the lining of the stomach and cause this disease. Ampelop products of Traphaco has the effect of destroying HP.

11. Leaves finely taking his retirement drinking juice dream of healing the stomach?

Used folk remedy dream leaves seat thanks to the essential oils have antibacterial effect on the intestinal tract. They also scatter smooth drying apricot leaves stuffed rice flour for cake package General tonic and stomach help digest easily. Drink the juice will cause more irritation not beneficial=



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