The types of results works to cure diarrhea


With soft features and easy to digest, bananas can soothe the stomach immediately and solve well the gastrointestinal disease. Status of regular and intense diarrhea that can lead to an imbalance of electrolytes in the body. Bananas contain large amounts of potassium should will help give back the electrolytes that your body needs.

Fiber pectin contained in bananas is kind of soluble fiber, can absorb the excess fluid in the stomach during diarrhea. A type of fiber is inulin also in bananas in large quantities is a type of probiotic helps restore beneficial bacteria to the stomach. Therefore, the banana is considered good choice to treat diarrhea by providing more of the antibiotics for the body.

The pomegranate

According to Oriental medicine, sour pomegranate bark, chat, computer, have the effect of making bowel diarrhea, hunting, except for worms. Root bark has the effect of detergent on t (Note must wash the shell). Pomegranate Peel sour, acrid, moderates, have the effect of making the hunt, holding the diarrhea.

Treat diarrhea or bloody, pepper, white, capital of Bacillus: pomegranate Peel 15 g, sharp 3 times, each time with a bowl of water, 250 ml, and her split into 3-4 times to drink during the day until cured.

Hong Siam

The fruit has a sweet taste, zapota computer cool; There are additional effects, cool Center, laxative, refreshing.

Cure diarrhea, digestive disorders by eating more fat, protein: Result Hong Siam unripe 15-20 g, 200 ml water, simmer remaining 100 ml two times, drinking during the day. Drink eat in 15 minutes. Drink 3-5 days.

Can replace 6-10 g zapota tree Peel, wash, 250 ml water, boil for 15 minutes longer in 100 ml of water, divided into 2 times to drink during the day.


Mangosteen has the scientific name is Garcinia mangostana L belonging, Clusiaceae-Clusiaceae, imported into our country has long grown for eating.

We can use the bark to cure diarrhea. Get a grip pod about 50 g, cut out each circle, to the pot with 2 cups water, crisp colors, simmer for 15-30 minutes from boiling. Then to warm sound, water taken to drinking water as many times, each time 1 small glass. Decoction on the drink in that day, that can add sugar to the drink and thirst.


If regularly every day about 500 g ripe guava amounts will reduce the risk of heart disease, lower cholesterol in the blood and lower blood pressure (especially guava types skin and Red gut).

Guava has a high tannin content should have the effect of holding the diarrhea (used when the normally easily cause constipation). Green guava can also detoxify three beans and other toxins that cause diarrhea.

The fruit cloths

The fabric is a common fruit type in summer, sweet easy to eat. The fabric is used to make medicines. Grain fabric has astringency, the moderates under the action of welding, rivets effects medical treated diarrhea.

Treat diarrhoea in children: take 4-8 gr grains of the fabric has dried, powdered drink for children, or with water for drinking.


Blueberry has astringent properties use reduces inflammation in the stomach and adhesive cells in the intestine, limiting the excretion of mucus and liquid. Blueberry is also the source of soluble fiber is abundant light and calming the digestion of food.

You can use Blueberry tea to drink, just crushed blueberries and boil them with 2 cups of water in the round 10 minutes. When the water has cooled Blueberry, filter and drink the water in the days to come when the symptoms decrease.

The apples were cooked

Amount of soluble fiber pectin in apples help for people suffering from diarrhea. However, the apples life also offers many other fiber types should will cause stomach (which are weakened by diarrhea induced condition) must operate more to digest most of fiber intake is abundant in fruits.

So, the apples have cooked not only more bearable that still offers a lot of benefits from pectin, the nutrients and natural sugar in apples. Use 2 to 3 apples were cooked into dishes of delicacies every day will significantly reduce the symptoms of diarrhea.=



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