These diseases would cause a cough?

The cough can be caused by reflections or as you like. When coughing, respiratory muscles have to mobilize maximum, make the pressure in my chest and respiratory tract in high. Speed increase the pressure between the gas and the air outdoors with the open, causing the air speed was escorted quickly out near by the speed of sound, enough to take the object out. Coughs can have phlegm, cough, coughing spells, or each khan cough coughing, coughing he him.

People can cough due to reflections or as you like. When coughing, respiratory muscles are mobilized to the maximum, making the pressure in my chest and respiratory tract in high. Speed increase the pressure between the gas and the air outdoors with the open, causing the air speed was escorted quickly out near by the speed of sound, enough to take the object out.

There are many causes of coughing:

Acute pharyngitis: cough dry cough or phlegm, there can be a high fever but also when no fever. Swallowing problems, has a throat burning sensation. Seeing Red-throated, pus or seed; can tonsils swollen glands.

Laryngitis: usually have dry cough; harsher, the loss or voice. If the laryngeal diphtheria ho he he. Patients in severe poisoning infections freshness. SOI throat see throat white membrane, causing shortness of breath, sometimes must open the trachea for breathing.

Inflammation of the trachea, bronchi: the first stage dry cough, phlegm phlegm, following phase special or diluting, white or yellow, have high fever, if detected early and treated early will lick out.

Chronic bronchitis: common in smokers. HO has more phlegm, cough cough each year around 3 months, took place in two consecutive years. Disease or relapse due to the bumper or exposed infection cause inflammation as the cold winter air, high humidity, inhaling the gas, dust and dirt.

Bronchodilator: ho much of the morning, has a lot of phlegm, if to phlegm in Bangkok, sees worried into 3 layers, bottom is pus, between the mucous, the top layer is the foam and the room. Bronchodilator available when patients cough up blood; or as a multiple infection.

Asthma: meet many young and middle age. Disease expression is: sick people don't rush; difficulty breathing each cyclone, or meet the hen on the night, while shortness of breath see Squeak trigger elections. After each of the hen, the patient has cough and spit more dilute white phlegm. Disease or relapse multiple times by multiple infection; If the yellow phlegm infection multiples.

Whooping cough disease: common in young children, have a fever. The nature of each cough bouts, the last spasm had Squeak Squeak like a chicken's neck. Since many cough can cause rupture of alveoli, causing a pneumothorax.

Ho do respiratory anomalies: immediately after the incidence of anomalies, the patient coughs, cyanosis, a colourful sụa face has a hissing sigh, who smothered as dying. If the object down deep and stable then help coughs, shortness of breath. The case of anomalies, the inflammatory ho have phlegm or blood, persistent cough, fever, chest pain.

Pneumonia: patients with high fever, cough, chest pain, malaria run have phlegm quánh, sticky, rust-colored iron. The test found leukemia in the blood increases. Capture Xquang image lung pneumonia.

Tuberculosis: a persistent cough, cough up phlegm, and when blood or coughing up blood. Patients often crazy fever about dimensions, the lean, shoot weight, anorexia. Sputum TB bacteria found in phlegm.

Lung abscesses: patients with high fever, chest pain, dry cough or phlegm. If the drive breaks through abscesses on the bronchial coughing up more phlegm as pus, fishy smell or very rotten.

Bronchial cancer: common in the elderly, smokers, smoking. Skinny patients shoot fast, eating poorly, chest pain, coughing up blood. Because there are many pinched tumor causing difficulty breathing, Lung collapses. Need to go shoot Xquang, computer tomography chest to determine disease.

Cough due to cardiovascular diseases: pulmonary artery pressure increase, the lungs were, meet in the mitral stenosis disease, Center of the scrap metal, heart failure, pericardial inflammation or dryness.

Cough due to liver abscesses: drive abscesses causing lung pleural reactions, stimulates the lining of lungs causing cough.

Ho do pregnant women, fibroids, gastroesophageal reflux disease, the mental disorder ... or getting some diseases with inflammation of the respiratory tract also coughs, flu, measles, leukemia, typhoid, rubeon, heat illness the exclamation, the sick in the ear-nose-throat. Ho also met in the case of patients infected with hot or cold air, inhaling the fumes, chemicals, cigarettes cause irritation of respiratory mucosa.

The use of drugs like?

In the treatment of cough, it is important to treat the causes, and the treatment of symptoms of cough and phlegm making escape is also essential. Cough has various type: the type of the effect on the respiratory Centre, the drug-busting loose, phlegm phlegm. However these drugs cause inhibition of the respiratory center, not recommended for the elderly, children, people with chronic bronchitis, especially chronic obstructive pulmonary disease the respiratory failure. Depending on each case specific cough the doctor will have to specify the use of drugs.

Cough medicines are used with minimum dose, need to use the correct dosage for children, the elderly, must coordinate with the main treatment, so people don't be buying drugs used in an arbitrary way.=



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