These foods help push back the cancer


Each different fungi have different effects . However in general they all contain anti-cancer substances, especially capable betaglucan active substances inhibit the harmful effects of the cancer-causing viruses, and neutralize poisons born intrinsic as well as cancer.

Therefore, the daily diet should be supplemented with a variety of types of mushrooms such as shiitake, black cloud ear mushroom, mushrooms, braised, Turkish, ...


Eggplant is grouped with the leading vegetables vitamin PP and contain Nightshade soda works against cancer, inhibit the increase in tumours of the digestive apparatus.


Bitter helps glucose metabolism, energy restrictions give pancreatic cancer cells and destroy them but does not affect normal cells.

Sweet potatoes

Sweet potatoes contain a special ingredient called DHEA HAS and beta-carotene can prevent cancer and anti-aging. In addition, high fiber content in sweet potato effective in treating symptoms of constipation and prevent colorectal cancer.


Pumpkin contains many antioxidants and rich in beta-carotene and alfa-carotene, 2 prefix of vitamin A should have the effect of protecting the skin against the Sun's rays and prevents these cancers and diabetes.


Like garlic, onions are members in the Administration, including leeks, shallots and green onions. Onions are also great food to help fight the cancer because the ability to interfere with the progression of the tumor and bring positive effect on health chosức.

Accordingly, the onion has been shown to reduce the risk of some cancers, such as colorectal cancer, larynx and the ovaries.


The main active substances extracted from turmeric yellow helps inhibit the growth of some types of cancer cells such as ovarian cancer cells, breast cancer, blood cancer, colorectal cancer, cancer of the liver.

Technology has the ability to neutralize free radicals formed during the defense of the body, prevent cancer in a positive way from the new formation of cancer cells. At the same time prevent not to form the new cancer cells.


Normal cells have a definite life cycle and will be eliminated in a natural way. However, cancer cells are not the same. We constantly increase and cause adverse effects on the body.

Scientists have found a plant nutrients in ginger root is 6-gingerol. This substance has the effect of promoting the end of the life cycle of cancer cells, thus reducing the possibility to produce and development of this disease.


Garlic is one of the leading food in the prevention of the cancer of stomach and colon cancer. Just use a small amount of garlic in your daily meals also have good effects to the immune system.

Garlic contains many excuse in selenium-a very powerful antioxidant that can help the body fight cancer. The antioxidants that can neutralize free radicals and attacks the tumor before it can be rekindled.

For patients who have suffered cancer, garlic will have the effect of preventing the development of cancer cells, destroy the growth of new blood vessels that feed tumors.

The pomegranate

Pomegranate is not only delicious but also fresh fruits have very impressive effect in the prevention of cancer.

Pomegranate contains more antioxidants and anti-inflammatory, helps prevent and slow the development of cancers. Active against oxygen in this fruit is also much stronger than the compounds in wine and green tea.

Also, in the pomegranate ellagitannins compounds containing a positive role in preventing the production of oestrogen-dangerous elements that stimulate the growth of breast cancer cells.


Kiwi is rich in vitamins, especially vitamin C 4-12 times higher citrus, Apple and 30 times folding 60 times with grapes. In kiwi contain a kind of active substance prevents the formation of carcinogenic substances in the body.


Wheat contains a lot of vitamins and minerals. Drink the juice from wheat germ will help a large amount of fiber is easy on the body to help reduce diseases such as colon, rectal pain there is also room effects of cancer.

Vegetables mustard

The Brassicaceae vegetables such as cauliflower, broccoli and cabbage are very popular food in daily life. And they also contain nutrients such as antioxidant activity and cancer has incredible strength.

Please eat as many fashion dolls, soup, watercress, radish, cabbage, ... as possible, in order to load the adequate amount of plant nutrients and anticancer compounds for the body.=



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