These foods prevent hair loss symptoms

Hair loss is a natural phenomenon of everyone, the average daily loss of about 50-100 strands of hair, but shed too much then you need to review how to care and nutrition. Here are the foods to help my sister reduction this status:

1. the Executive

In practice there are many sulfur increases the growth of hair and hair loss limits.

2. Roast beef

Even though you do not like this red meat but should also complement a small portion on meals. This food is very useful in reducing hair loss. Vitamin A and zinc in beef helps eliminate dandruff, scalp itching and hair loss, or at least less than.

3. Soya

Iron in soybean production increases the amount of red blood cells in the human body, helps the tissue cell in the body get more oxygen, stimulates the growth of hair.

4. Almond

Almonds not only reduce cholesterol levels but also a great source of protein. They are a natural form of aspirin.

The almonds also contain vitamin E and iron, two types are needed for a healthy hair. Eating about 15 pod equivalent to two tablets of aspirin to help reduce hair loss and against headaches.

5. Whole grains

They provide nutrients and antioxidants are very good for your hair and scalp. They contain vitamin B, E, magnesium, iron, zinc, phosphorus. They also contain cholesterol free and low in saturated fats. Iron and Silicon found in wheat, raw rice bran to help the body absorb more minerals and vitamins from food. When the body of essential vitamins and minerals-rich, the hair loss is no longer a problem with you anymore.

6. dark green Vegetables

Spinach, broccoli, beets, kale, chicory ... is a source of iron, calcium, fiber and vitamin A, vitamin C and is where sebum production, mucus to protect the hair from dryness.

7. Sprouting

Reviews do contain the nutrients necessary for a healthy hair such as silica and is extremely good food to prevent hair loss. The body uses silica to absorb vitamins and minerals, so even regular vitamin supplements and minerals but if the body does not have the silica is not able to absorb them. Hair grows from follicles in the skin and need the nutrients to form new cells and produce new hair.

8. Carrot

The carrot is recommended foods to bring radiant skin and looks really healthy for the scalp because it contains vitamin A production of mucus, helps the skin from being dehydrated and not hair dryness snapped.

9. Fruit

Apple, strawberry, banana, melon and Orange are the best fruits to provide the necessary vitamin full help the hair you are not broken.

Or as tomatoes, this is one of those foods that help you lose hair. Tomatoes are a nutritious foods, rich in vitamin C and a.

In tomatoes contain a lot of nutrients that are beneficial to the body such as carotene, lycopene, vitamins and potassium. All of these substances are very beneficial to the health of humans. Special types of vitamin B, vitamin C and beta carotene helps the body resist oxidative processes of the body, reducing the risk of death due to cardiovascular disease and cancer.

10. Pure honey

Honey is a substance that hold moisture very well. But effective and safe to use then so is pure honey. You can add a spoonful of honey into the cup of fruit smoothie or served with bread to have healthy shiny hair.

11. Chicken and eggs

A large part of the texture of the hair is from protein, so a protein-rich diet is a great way to prevent hair loss and fractures improve the growth of the hair. Protein deficiency will cause hair phenomenon being brittle and weak.

Chicken and eggs are rich in protein, so regular use of 2 types of food is the way for you to provide adequate amount of protein for the body. The substance in chicken makes it easy to absorb iron, which is needed to create hemoglobin to help transport oxygen to the organs and tissues. Iron, create favorable conditions for the hair follicles absorb the nutrients more easily by helping blood circulation in the scalp.

The egg is a source of sulfur that helps the hair follicles grow. Sulfur promotes hair growth by improving the blood circulation to the scalp, at the same time reduce the inflammation and prevent hair loss. Eggs also contain lots of biotin and vitamin B12 is the kind of nutrition has a significant role in the beauty shop.

Chicken eggs (especially egg yolk), contains a high quality protein, vitamins and minerals. They contain particularly vitamins A, B and D are very good for your hair. They also contain calories, on average each egg contains about 80 kcal so eggs are great choices even when you're dieting.

12. Products from milk, butter

Fresh milk, cream, milk and fresh cheese chuat is also the source of many nutrients beneficial for the growth of hair, hair health help and make more. To achieve the highest results, you should boil the milk warm before use sound to increase the ability to digest and absorb the nutrients to the body.

Low-fat milk products are a source of calcium, zinc, vitamin D, magnesium and protein. They can help reduce the risk of obesity, tooth decay, high blood pressure and help stimulate hair growth. Yogurt or low-fat milk carries calcium sources is abundant and excellent protein intake, the substances needed for healthy hair.

13. Seafood

The seafood is very important foods in maintaining the growth for your hair. Fish provides essential fatty acids and sulfur to preserve the health of your hair. The essential fatty acids found in fish are more not only help your hair grow faster but also give you a smooth skin and stronger nails. Should eat fresh fish instead of frozen, canned.

Especially the salmon is a good source of high quality protein also contains many fatty acid-maze-3 ga, vitamin B12 and iron. Fatty acid-maze-3 ga will help the scalp healthy. The lack of the type of this acid can make the scalp and the hair gets dry, broken hair. If you are a vegetarian, can supplement this acid to the body from plant sources by using the range from 1 to 2 tablespoons of flaxseed oil every day.

Zinc-rich foods such as oysters, clams, shrimp, and shellfish are very good in preventing hair loss by enhancing the healthy for hair follicles.=



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