These vitamins and minerals help bone health

Vitamin D

To maintain the levels of calcium and phosphate in the body should have adequate levels of vitamin d. vitamin D deficiency cause skeletal disorders. Vitamin D helps absorb calcium for healthy bones. So, a diet rich in vitamin D will help for healthy bones.

Vitamin K

To help increase bone density, the addition of enough vitamin K is needed. It also helps prevent fractures. It also supports new bone formation. Vitamin K pull blood calcium to send it into the bone.

Of vitamin K, vitamin K2 is most important for bone health. Vitamin K2 has the effect of activating osteocalcin, a protein needed to absorb calcium into the bones.

Vitamin K2 is also anti-inflammatory substances for the body, very useful by the infection will increase the ability to produce cells that destroy bone. You can find vitamin K2 in the egg yolks, cheese, pickled cabbage, soy nậu was fermented.

Vitamin K1 is found in green leafy vegetables, and can easily convert into vitamin K2 by the healthy bacteria in your gut. Give the body the amount of vitamin K needed for a long period of time will ensure that your bones healthy.

Vitamin B12

Studies have demonstrated that people with Vitamin B12 deficiency likely prone to broken bones. Therefore you should with B12-rich foods can help build strong bones to re

Vitamin C

You might think that vitamin C has no relation whatsoever to the bone by vitamin C enhances the immune system, fight free radicals and make skin healthy. However, vitamin C also helps your bones healthy. Vitamins are important for the bones because it was a "collaborator" of the collagen. The vitamin also stimulates bone-building cells, reduce inflammation. This winter, you should eat more oranges and strawberries to provide enough vitamin C in the body.


Potassium helps balance the alkalinity in the body to maintain bone mass. It also prevents calcium is excreted from the body, maintain proper levels of calcium needed to strengthen bones.


Magnesium is a mineral that could trigger more than 300 enzymes involved and the production of primary energy enzyme. Magnesium also regulates the secretion of calcitonin, a hormone maintain calcium concentrations in the blood. Great source of magnesium for the body include pumpkin seeds, cooked spinach and pure cocoa.


Zinc is one of the most important mineral for healthy bones. Zinc stimulates collagen synthesis and likes to bone formation. Zinc also reduces the process of bone degeneration and slow cell production process destroy the bone. Magnesium is very abundant in the pumpkin seeds.


Silica is a mineral microelements essential for healthy bones. Because the silica mineral microelements is too many is not necessary. Silica as well as vitamin C, increases the production of collagen. Silica helps increase calcium absorption, and containment of calcium accumulation in the asshole. You can find silica on potatoes and cucumbers.


Just like silica, boron is a microscopic amount of substance, you should roughly just 3-5 mg boron per day is enough. Such as silica, boron is a mineral and is just 3-5 mg a day is necessary.  Boron estrogen conversion into active form, increases the ability of your bones when absorb magnesium.

Boron is also needed for the conversion reaction of vitamin D into active form. The usefulness of boron is not just limited to the activated estrogen and vitamin D. An experiment was conducted by the U.s. Department of agriculture showed that boron lowers calcium excretion in menopausal women 44%!. Dried fruit, nuts and butter is the great source of boron.=



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