Timeliness of processing when the diarrhea

Do not arbitrarily for older folk medications or antibiotics

Children with diarrhea can be caused by several reasons: young intestinal infection caused by a virus, or parasite, because of an allergy to food, diet inappropriate age, prolonged use of antibiotics causes the imbalance ...

Want to take diarrhea, specific antibiotics must be used for each category. So, when the diarrhea, though impatient poultry diarrhea for children but the parents beware. By improper use can make bipolar disorder more useful bacteria in the digestive tract of the child, make the diarrhoea lasts. If the viral diarrhea children then take diarrhea pills have no effect on viruses. Worse, it reduces the peristalsis, do bowel paralysis. When the kids are still getting diarrhea but paralyzed intestine causing no post production is out cause stagnant again in the intestine causing bowel obstruction, bowel perforation was young.

There are some moms back treat for baby folk experience by giving the doll drinking guava. According to the study, guava contains many tannins, bowel mucosa regeneration, diarrhea. If the form of diarrhea due to digestive disorders, this usage can do more digestive disorders.

So, when the child has signs of fever, diarrhea too 2 days without falling, vomit, wrinkled skin, eyes concave ... parents must take children to medical facility, the consultation of experts, not for older medications as antibiotics or folk experience.

Clearing the water for baby

Diarrhea is the body of water at the baby missing. Please promptly to avoid severe complications for baby, can affect a child's life. When the number of shit no more (2-3 times per day), could compensate water by drinking water or juice daily.

If the baby shit more than 3 times a day, use the water clearing solution like oresol and especially to mix the right solution according to instructions. Too little salt water mix from oresol into the body much, causing salt in the blood, which can cause brain damage, leaving the children with high fever, convulsions, coma even lead to death. So for 200 ml boiling water let it cool tinge with a oresol package, for children to drink from. "With children under age 1, then 1-2 minutes to drink a spoonful of oresol. If a child has vomited, after 10-15 minutes for a drink. with children age 1 also apply as such, but for each drink small SIPs, "doctor Vu Huu (Pediatrics, Bach Mai HOSPITAL) guidelines. Should maintain the clearing water until her target segment.

The diet

Baby's food needs soft, loose than normal, and is enough 4 food groups (flour, fat, protein, vegetables). According to nutrition experts, you should be feeding many small meals, each meal approximately 2 hours. Because this lazy at young eat, should not eat much pressed a packed as usual.

If the baby is feeding mother then this is the time needed for the baby more than by breast milk just enough nutrients, easy to digest. With feeding outside, in a few cases the baby diarrhea lasts, become poor tolerance to lactose in milk, should be replaced by the type of milk without lactose as directed by your doctor.

Avoid the mistake of thinking of doing harm to the health of the child such as: abstinence for excessive baby, feeding a white porridge with salt because the digestive system of thought, eating normally makes the child more severe diarrhea. The fact that jobs, as more severe illness caused because the body is not enough to increase maintenance timeframes young resistance against disease.

Zinc supplements for children

This is an extremely important factor is not the parents would know well. The World Health Organization (WHO) has recommended zinc supplement for children with diarrhea, especially in children under 5 years old, to help young fitness soon recovered. Because zinc is an important component of the membrane lining of the intestines. When the diarrhea, the child will lose large amounts of zinc through the feces. If not timely, zinc supplements will gut the heavy damage, easy irritation and diarrhea.

Parents take zinc supplements for children by feeding the zinc-rich foods such as red meat, liver, oysters, eggs, whole grains, legumes, fruit ... Can also choose the foods with zinc supplements, some products containing probiotics with zinc quite full. When using zinc, should take more vitamins A, B6, C, Phosphorus, because this substance increases the absorption of zinc. Avoid the addition superfluous because much used zinc can reduce immunity. It is recommended not to use per day turmeric too.

The yeast bacteria are needed for the baby at this

Children with diarrhea usually takes the class useful microbial intestinal protection. Hence the need to complement the yeast bacteria to protect the intestinal tract from harmful agents such as viruses, harmful bacteria, parasites, ... Choose the type of bacteria in the form of yeast spores as Biomycare (have more zinc) and Enterrogemina (does not contain zinc).

Besides, the problem of hygiene should be focused

This is a simple but effective measures for your baby, take a clean toddler body hygiene. The mother or the baby care please wash hands thoroughly before food processing or after changing a diaper diaper for your baby.=



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