Top 4 food 'banned' used in packed lunches

Top 4 food "banned" used in packed lunches.

Fast food

A hamburger with moderate size is not bad. However, if a giant servings include large hamburger with lots of meat, potato chips will make you face the risk of a heart attack in the future.

Even if the performance of chips you get advertising is no trans fat (trans fat), it also contains too many unnecessary excess calories for lunch. Lunch will cause you indigestion that still takes energy and doing the rest of your day in fatigue.

White bread

White bread contain high amounts of starch, can cause increased blood sugar quickly made the hunger quickly back in the afternoon. Sugar powder that has a high Glycemic Index doesn't contain more fiber, so they easily decompose and you will not provide continuous energy source such as whole grain cereals. So, instead, you select whole grains to eat lunch.


The banana is magnesium rich foods, causes can make people feel tired. This mineral is actually do wind, suitable to eat before bed but can affect energy throughout your day.

Red meat

The form of food containing high fat red meat such as beef can cause you to become slacking, of being glassy. The body takes more energy to resolve them, so full of energy are focused on this work. Instead, you should eat salmon if necessary complement red meat.=



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