Treat halitosis

What you need is a permanent solution to the problem cannot be resolved by using the mouthwash or toothpaste, because these products just conceal uncomfortably breath rather than solving the original problem to take advantage of. Here are some natural remedies to treat when you encounter this situation.

Dental hygiene

Just brushing alone is not enough because you can not take off the piece of food sticking between the interstitial by brushing teeth. Sticky food inside the mouth can decompose and cause breath "coriander". Dental floss by the toothpick is probably not a bad idea in some cases, and brush teeth using floss. In fact, brush teeth with dental only is required because as you age, the gap between the interdental will widen out causing the feed back than the susceptible.

Tooth decay

A visit to the doctor teeth 6-8 months is just not a good idea to periodically oral hygiene, but also very necessary because you can have the hole cavities that don't know. Tooth decay is the cause foul breath causing silently, so dental work is required to do if you suddenly found yourself having Tartar accompanied the breath "coriander".

Digestive diseases

The breath "coriander" may be derived from the digestive problems. If the body can react badly to certain food, when eaten on them can cause unpleasant smelling breath. For example those who are lactose intolerant, then eat or drink dairy products though in any form also causes foul smelling breath, because the body can not digest the food better. Therefore, you need to see your breath "worse" than after eating a certain food or group of foods that don't and if so do you suffer from food allergies.


Bad breath due to food usually does not last long. Some food "smell heavy" such as fish, onions and garlic can leave a nasty smell after eating. Some foods can leave "scent" of them in the next few days you breath. Thus need special attention when you eat this food and make sure brush teeth, brushing and floss thoroughly than usual.

Avoid eating too much garlic, onions, and other foods that taste heavy smell that lingers long in the mouth. Note this, especially when you are in an important meeting, or during lunch to the Office.

Rinse thoroughly after each meal. Moreover, let's create this routine for your kids.

Do you ever feel afraid to visit the dentist. It must be the first thing to do if you see an empty hole inside the teeth or feel of any dental problem.

Alternatively you can use the other natural remedy:

-peppermint oil-a few small drops of peppermint oil up the brush with toothpaste. It may be somewhat sharply these have the effect of making cool fragrance.

-Citrus-lemon or orange pieces a champ can do cool breath for some time.

-Ginger-Ginger can easily dispel the breath "coriander", let you taste the delicious "" as a piece of candied ginger.  =



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